First off, I have to give a shout out to
sailormgm, who uploaded BOTH of the Kisarazu movies for me! (Since torrents are my arch-nemesis, haha.) I really, really appreciate it! ♥ I'll be watching them soon~
Speaking of Kisarazu,
omg, the last episode! I was BAWLING MY EYES OUT (well, as much as I ever do, haha) and then he turned out to not even be dead! WAY TO PLAY WITH MY EMOTIONS, KISARAZU. But really, I loved this drama! I loved the ridiculousness of it (which I didn't appreciate when I first tried to watch it years ago), I loved the characters, the cast, everything. I also loved that, even though the drama dealt with something as heavy as dying, it did it in a lighthearted way that made it clear that the drama was not about death, but life. And, well, I have to say that Bambi looks dang good in a baseball uniform. But that was an added bonus. ♥
So who else has watched the latest Himitsu? Is that not the BEST THING EVER?? Arashi busting into people's karaoke rooms! I liked those girls who rewrote the lyrics of Happiness as a song for their senpai. I also liked that, most of the time, Arashi was more high tension than the people whose rooms they invaded, haha. So awesome~ As for VS Arashi, maybe it's because the special was SO AMAZING that I felt a bit let down this time around. I was hoping Shimura Ken would be funnier, I guess. :/ Somehow I don't like the idea of having a guest be a member of Arashi's team.
Also, ever since UVERworld's new single came out, I can't stop listening to them! I hadn't listened to their previous single much, but I have been lately, and both signles are so good~ They seem to be pretty big lately, which makes me happy, because I think they put out some of the best jrock music out there. :D