you're nearer.

Oct 01, 2006 18:51

time for a weekend update.

i was sick all week. asdjklf blaaah. never fails that whenever liz gets sick, i get sick. but we have sick parties when that happens, and those always make me happy. anyway-- i missed jesuit on tuesday and i missed NOCCA AND jesuit on wednesday. catching up is not fun.

NOCCA's going really well. i love it there. i just feel... comfortable? is that the right word? probably not. and it's also been weird not to be the baby at NOCCA this year. erica, jer, hazel, etc., will laugh at me for saying that, but it's true! there are people younger than i am this year! haha. speaking of you three, i love and miss you so much. klajsdf bwah.

so, friday night, after riding home with kayla and laura, who are some of my FAVORITE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, i went to work the st. angela fair with liz. and adrienne was there, too! yay! anyway-- FUNFUNFUN times with the partner in crime. went to wendy's in adrienne's car listening to their "ghetto" music, if you will, and then danced around at the fair. liz and i are really cool, by the way. hahaha. liz and i walked home from the fair and watched the last runway episode that i missed! 4 PEOPLE?!?! you can't change the rules this late. they need to bring some people back NOW.

last night, i went to see total art 9.5 at brother martin. THERE WERE ABOUT TEN GAJILLION PEOPLE THERE THAT I LOVE. liz, candace (who i MISS MORE THAN ANYTHING.), ashley, allison, laura, kmarsh, all the brother martin guys, rob, jenn, charlotte brown, burt, erika, casi, adrienne, MARGARET (who i also miss terribly.), sarah mcewen (LOVE!), j. shakes, rob, brendan, broc, chris woods, lskjdf SO MANY PEOPLE I LOVE.

other than seeing all those wonderful people, the show was basically terrible. there was one good guy on guitar, but that was about it. haha and i got called up on stage during one of the improv games. oh, love. there were a couple of other good things with a bunch of people i know, though. i love you all. SO MUCH FUN! went to cafe du monde for two seconds, which was long enough for me to put 21 packets of sugar in my cafe au lait thingie that was supposed to be mocha. haha there were that many, i swear. then we all headed to tiffin inn, which was fantastic and fun. memoriessss.

i'm in love with candace rodriguez. and many other people because i'm a big fan of lists, but i'm not going to bore you with that. if you're reading this, i love you. if you're one of my good/ best friends, i love and cannot thank you enough for helping me lately... life's been really crazy, and it still is, but i've got you guys. i thank God for each of you every single day and i keep loving you more and more. [/cheesy love gushy blah stuff]

the jesuit chapel is one of my favorite rooms in the world. i don't know if i've ever said that in here, so i am now. it's definitely my favorite part of all of jesuit. oh, love.

growing up is so weird.

i think about 2 people who read this will remember that. haha. i love you all!

this is from one of my favorite billy joel songs ever. here's to you.

good night, my angel,
now it's time to dream.
and dream how wonderful your life will be.
someday your child may cry,
and if you sing this lullaby,
then in your heart, there will always be a part of me.

someday we'll all be gone,
but lullabies go on and on.
they never die.
that's how you
and i
will be.

hits me every single time. so much love.
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