06 May 2010
Election day back home. The results are slowly trickling in as of now, and it's interesting to be able to watch how things are progressing - as I've stumbled upon a
site that updates automatically with the number of seats each party has won. Granted, the last I heard, the Tories came out on top in the exit polls, but wouldn't have enough seats for a majority. Might turn out to be a hung parliament...
I, myself, sent in my postal vote a while ago - not telling who I voted for, of course. But, regardless of who I voted for, the constituency I was in back in London apparently has a history of voting Labour, so I'm somewhat certain who our MP will be.
Now, I don't have many grand expectations for this general election, but I am hoping a few select parties lose (or at least don't gain anymore) seats... Although, at least the general election doesn't have as many mad fringe parties as the EU elections do...
Well, I'll just have to see how everything pans out, won't I?