Things That Trouble Me Sometimes

Oct 18, 2004 10:54

1.) People of my generation don't like to vote for various reasons. Because of our apathy or lack of good candidates or whatever. The underlying thing is that because the majority of us fail to vote, politicians know it and know that they so long as they do nothing major, they can screw us over to benefit those that DO vote. Our generation (though not all of them) screws itself every election. The other things that bother me come election time are the people who are so absolutely dedicated to their political party that they cannot conceive of not voting for their party's candidate. Some insist on having no voice, others insist on not thinking for themselves.

2.) People from other countries that go on and on about how much they hate the United States, yet if the worst happens they will EXPECT the United States to save them from invasion. I've always hated the fact that the United States has trapped itself in the role of World Policeman, but ultimately I guess the world has been better off for it in most circumstances. Western Europe remained free of Communism, North Korea has very good reason not to invade South Korea, China hasn't invaded Taiwan. Numerous other cases of the worst being avoided. We don't always get it right and we're often more interested in securing our own interests than doing the right thing ... but we're far better than it could be. We don't run around conquering the world bit by bit like colonial Europe did, because its an un-American thing to do.

3.) For some reason, its very very bad to bring up or discuss religion ... UNLESS you are denouncing, belittling or defying it. Since when is Atheism/Agnosticism the only politically correct viewpoint? Why did it happen that way?

4.) Gas prices and our nation's reliance on oil. Simply put, we do not need to be so terribly dependent on oil. There are excellent alternatives, yet we tend to ignore them. The current trend of ridiculously high prices on gas may actually force some change, but we live in a world that fights change very hard. If I go down to a car dealership as ask to look at cars that do not use gasoline at all, my choices are going to be close to nonexistent.

5.) If my wife and I want to adopt a child that the mother would otherwise abort, it would cost and insane amount of money. If she doesn't get an abortion, she keeps it and often ruins he life by locking into a single mother role that ends all dreams of college or career. If someone can offer us a way to adopt that doesn't doesn't cost ridiculous sums of money ... we'd be wonderful parents, but because we don't have thousands of dollars to throw around, we're not given options. Bleah on that.
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