(no subject)

Sep 15, 2006 14:46

The internet sucks and most of the people that paste their faces and thoughts all over the damn place are drug addicts and loser whores. I stand by yesterday's affirmation:



Shits not funny. I am not laughing. I tried to start a whole bunch of shit with people on the net yesterday and all I got was one "you're a bitch" type comment. COME ON! I attacked a group, a gaggle if you will, of American sluts and frat brahs on facebook, and got NO RESPONSE. Maybe attacking people's intellect is more offensive than commenting on their vices and promiscuity. AS THOUGH THAT'S NOT REDUNDANT.

Fucking loser whores.

Suffice it to say I hate drug addicts and loser whores equally. In equally seperate and dissimilar ways. To better illustrate the inherent logic behind my hate, I have comprised this universally functional mathematical computation:

(Drug Addicts + Adena)/Recovery = Adena(LOSER WHORES + Internet) = Adena + Ego + Livejournal

Basically, assuming there is a power greater than myself, and considering the Kierkegaardian "leap of faith" necessary for committment to this power, deemed God, the presence of this power in life and the (supposed) factuality of my existence (and existential tendencies) allow me the continuous and instilled-by-the-omnipotent responsibility to make choices, which in turn define me, and in defining myself I choose my place in society.

And I don't ever in a bazillionty millionty years want my (symbolic) "place" to be that of a:



Been there, done that, moved to Cali. NEVER COMIN' BACK.

Thank you.
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