(no subject)

Sep 14, 2006 13:46

I'm supposed to be writing this bullshit assignment for CINEMA, an "autobiography" written from the perspective of five people, places or things other than myself, as though I disappeared off the face of the Earth.

Yeah well I say fuck that.

I have other things on my mind.

Like A) why is it that mostly everyone I know and find on the internet is strikingly more retarded than he or she used to be?

Oh yeah, because fucking silly stupid bitches are DRUG ADDICTS and/or LOSER WHORES.

B) Two of my counselors including the woman that lived with me got fired yesterday for having secret, shiesty LESBIAN AFFAIRS behind the backs of authority figures. Nigga say wha? Rehab is scandalous!

C) I look fucking goth today and I'm incredibly self-conscious about it. Boo. Bitch needs to wear less black and more.. yellow.

D) I am harboring deep resentment toward my cinema "professor" for this crappy nonsense assignment and I'd much rather take a stand against it than kiss his fucking old ass by writing this tripe and selling out on my values. As an artist.
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