different religions = mass confusionyume_no_karetaMay 15 2005, 13:20:39 UTC
It bugs me how 99.9% of the world is like "if you don't believe this then you will die and go to HELL!!!" or "my belief system is the only right way, so you must be the spawn of Satan if you don't convert NOW!"
I really hate people like that...people are too ignorant.
I think that if you completely believe something, then it becomes true (for you). Example: if you think that there is a Heaven/Hell in the after life, and that all people go to it, then you'll go to one of them. If you believe in reincarnation, you'll go to the little reincarnation place...thing. Whatever you blieve, if you believe it strongly enough, is what happens. Though, i'm not quite sure what happens to the people who believe, but still question it...so i'll have to get back to you on that one. ~_^
Don't worry so much about what your parents think. I'm still learning about the Craft, and i have to say that i'm really enjoying myself. So much of the stuff just makes a lot more sense out of things. But, my parents don't know. And if they find out, they'll prolly burn all my books, my cards, ground me forever and slap me in a religious/boarding school. Not that boarding school would be a problem for me...(i've always wanted to try it...plus i wouldn't have to deal with them, and could sneak out and buy more books! bwahaha!)
But at the end of the day no one can tell you what to believe if you don't want to and/or don't agree with it.
plus the whole karma thing will get them in the end (whatever you do, good or bad, comes back to you times three. so if someone does something really horrible to you, like oppress you cause you don't believe in their religion, something 3 times as bad will befall them!)
Re: different religions = mass confusiongodessolalalandMay 15 2005, 19:45:08 UTC
Interesting theory. I've heard that one before, but it was from this really dumb dude. He didn't make it sound like it made sense. But now, it sorta makes more sense. I see where you're coming from.
I've always believed in reincarnation, though. So I guess that means I'll never really die! (whee, i'm indestructable)
I think wicca is so cool. I almost converted to it in the ninth grade, but I did all these random "sign" things and they pointed me off that path. But it still has had my interest ever since.
Anyhoo, yeah, my parrents have already threatened me with a convent in Indiana. And in case I had any doubts that they would send me there, they took me to visit it several years ago. So, it is imperitave that I keep my exploration of non christian religions a secret. I could never be a none.
Maybe i'll look into wicca again. I could be a wiccan buddhist. lol.
I really hate people like that...people are too ignorant.
I think that if you completely believe something, then it becomes true (for you). Example: if you think that there is a Heaven/Hell in the after life, and that all people go to it, then you'll go to one of them. If you believe in reincarnation, you'll go to the little reincarnation place...thing. Whatever you blieve, if you believe it strongly enough, is what happens. Though, i'm not quite sure what happens to the people who believe, but still question it...so i'll have to get back to you on that one. ~_^
Don't worry so much about what your parents think. I'm still learning about the Craft, and i have to say that i'm really enjoying myself. So much of the stuff just makes a lot more sense out of things. But, my parents don't know. And if they find out, they'll prolly burn all my books, my cards, ground me forever and slap me in a religious/boarding school. Not that boarding school would be a problem for me...(i've always wanted to try it...plus i wouldn't have to deal with them, and could sneak out and buy more books! bwahaha!)
But at the end of the day no one can tell you what to believe if you don't want to and/or don't agree with it.
plus the whole karma thing will get them in the end (whatever you do, good or bad, comes back to you times three. so if someone does something really horrible to you, like oppress you cause you don't believe in their religion, something 3 times as bad will befall them!)
I've always believed in reincarnation, though. So I guess that means I'll never really die! (whee, i'm indestructable)
I think wicca is so cool. I almost converted to it in the ninth grade, but I did all these random "sign" things and they pointed me off that path. But it still has had my interest ever since.
Anyhoo, yeah, my parrents have already threatened me with a convent in Indiana. And in case I had any doubts that they would send me there, they took me to visit it several years ago. So, it is imperitave that I keep my exploration of non christian religions a secret. I could never be a none.
Maybe i'll look into wicca again. I could be a wiccan buddhist. lol.
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