
May 14, 2005 19:36

Today, I went to the library. I chaked out 5 books, all on eastern(for the most part) religions.

Two are on Buddhism. I've been reading one. It really makes sense. I'm not going to make an entire judgement on it ontil i've researched it more in depth. If anyone happens to randomly have alot of knowledge on the subject, can I have a convorsation with you?

I really like what I've read so far.

One was Shinto. It's really cool, but I've only read a couple pages.

One was called I Ching. I have never heard of it before. Something about Chinese oracles. Pretty cool.

The last one is entitled "kindling the Celtic spirit" it said something about faeries, so I grabbed it.

This may sound weird, but I never really stopped believing in faeries. I know, I'm crazy.

I told mom I was creating a character that is buddhist, that's my cover. She still thinks I'm christian. Sometimes I almost slip up. Things she says sometimes infuriate me. But I have to have self control. So I can live in a house.

The one thing that bothers me about religions, is the whole afterlife thing. No one really knows what happens after you die. So, why tell people you're wrong about it? The only ppl that know are dead.

But yay for potential spiritualism
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