I finished Little Brother. Doctorow pushed my buttons in the exact right way. I'm not sure if it's be effective for someone less ... opinionated. It was written for young adults, but that doesn't make it any less infuriating. The major goal of the book, beyond a good read, was to get people interested in security and hacking (as made clear by the two afterwords and the "bibliography").
I finished Time Enough For Love. Thanks to
necrophonic for suggesting it. The book was fun as all hell. The only thing that bothered me was the very last chapter, I felt kinda cheated. I knew the ending had to be a particular way, but ... then there was that damned last chapter! But, like the epilogue to The Dark Tower, I did like the ending while feeling cheated.
I'm going to start reading The Hostile Takeover trilogy. Ugh. I've been reading/"reading" too many books/audiobooks, lately. I should really do some homework, work on some music, write some software or, at least, do something productive. My care cup is on empty and all I want to do right now is get lost in fiction. I guess I should be happy I'm not addicted to television.
And, hot on the heels of bitching about me doing nothing, I need to go see A Nightmare On Elm Street. Need. NEED!
In standard logic, the statement "all deep-sea dwelling elephants can fly" is true. With this addition, the answer is now FileNotFound; a much more satisfying answer.
(via an old
daily wtf post about boolean being defined as true, false and filenotfound)
Also from that post:
so shouldn't we replace booleans with a 3 dimesional float vector?
1) trueness : -1.0f =completely false, 1.0f =completely true
2) reliability: -1.0f=not at all sure about axis 1, 1.0f=absolutely confident
3) how much i #$%ing care: -1.0f= i don't care at all, 1.0f = it really matters to me