First off, I got a comment on Praeter Caelestis by a friend of mine. She said it was "wicked beautiful."
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Modulate This!)
And, god dammit, I forgot I have clothes in the drier washer. Now, I have to wait until that the drier ends before I can go to bed. Yes, really.
And, as if to make my point, I had to move someone else's clothes from the drier so I could continue with my load of laundry. I hate that.
So, I'm most of the way through Little Brother. I have to say that is the most upsetting book I've ever read. It's not that it's particularly great or that it's the most graphic depiction of things I hate; it's that Doctorow is pushing my buttons in exactly the right way to get me enraged. Doctorow is on my side (I'm on his? he's the celebrity), so he's rather effective at preaching to the choir. I don't know how this would work on someone with differing views (ok, I lied,
I do know, even though I normally like what Chris Randall has to say).
wikipedia blurb: "The novel is about several teenagers in San Francisco who, in the aftermath of a terrorist attack on the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge and BART system, defend themselves against what they see as the Department of Homeland Security's attacks on the Bill of Rights."
Little Brother won the Prometheus award for 2009 and was a finalist for the Hugo award best novel.
And, as much as I tried, I don't like
Little Boots. Bland electro-femme-pop du jour. Have you ever heard those forgettable ebm bands with big chorus sing-a-longs? It's like that. Average, middle of the road, adequate. It's not that it's bad, per se. It's just that I don't find it memorable at all. It sounds like everything else. It has nothing of it's own.