(no subject)

Nov 20, 2013 14:59

I guess my journal entries are going to happen monthly, since that seems to be how often I get the inclination to write in here. Last month, I did my first 5K and placed seventh in my age group (well, for females in my age group specifically), so my goal is to run that 5k next year and get a medal for being first, second, or third.

I've registered for my first 10k, which is next month. In a couple of weeks actually. I waft between saying whether I'm ready or not. I can do a 10k. I just might not be very timely about it. I had slacked off with running for a few weeks, running only once a week with the group. I'm still losing weight though, which is mattering to me less and less over time. And last week, I went out with the group twice. This week, I went out on Monday night with the group (ran 3.15 miles) and organized two morning runs myself for yesterday (3.38 miles) and today (2.1 miles). My legs aren't too happy with that decision, but I had fun overall. We had to cut this morning's run short though because it was windier than I had expected, and I didn't want to get Nathaniel sick (I was pushing him in his stroller, and no matter how I situated the visor, the wind kept getting in his face.). Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative next week. At the very least, let it be less windy! I can bundle him up so that he's warm enough otherwise.

I got a new online job working as a writer! Sort of! I've only done one assignment so far, but it didn't get in, so maybe I should hold off on celebrating the new gig once I get paid for it.

I went to my very first wine tasting over the weekend! My new friend Emily invited me! We met at the stay-at-home mom group I sort of help organize. "Sort of" because I pretty much stick to occasional walks in parks or trails. I'd like to host an event at the house, but our place is Nathaniel-friendly and not so much child-friendly. Nathaniel knows not to knock his head on the corner of our metal and marble coffee table. Some other kid might knock into it though, or maybe run into one of the corners of our glass dining table! Maybe in the spring, I'll organize something in our backyard, with hanging in the house being minimal, for things like diaper changes and bathroom breaks. It'd be cool since we now have a swing set.

I was trying to talk about the wine tasting, but I interrupted myself. Anyway, Emily's good people, and the wine tasting was great! Of course it was. There was wine. I invited Gina to come along, and so my friends got to meet each other, and now they're friends too. I like when that happens. I used to have a lot of anxiety about that sort of thing, particularly when I went off to college and had close friends there as well as at home. For a long while, I didn't think the two worlds could overlap. It's really funny to think about it now, since my circles are so enmeshed these days. Jodie and Dorene are still close friends, but so are Robert, Laura, and Samantha, who I met at UNCG. And, of course, that's where I met AJ. And now I have close friends from grad school, from jobs, from other friends, and two of my closest friends I met right here on LJ (shout-outs to Richard and Brian!).

I still didn't really talk about the wine tasting. But that's okay because there isn't much to say about it, since the name of the event says it all. But afterwards, we made holiday cards that turned into Christmas ornaments. I had some reservations, since I'm not good with crafts, but thankfully, Gina, Emily, and I were all in the same boat, and we each had to ask for help at some point. We were supposed to give our cards/ornaments to others, but we decided that we're keeping them to put on our own trees. 'Tis the season for giving... yourself stuff.

Going to Staunton again this weekend. So excited! I'm driving out to Raleigh early Saturday morning, meeting at Robert's house, and then Robert, Sarah, and I are venturing north. I'd like to stop somewhere off the beaten path for lunch if possible. On road trips, there's always some homey diner or a sign on the highway for a quirkily-named (C'mon, Firefox. If "quirky" is a word, why is "quirkily" not? I defy your red squiggles.) restaurant, but AJ or I just keep driving typically because we're always running on a schedule. Well, we've already planned lunch into our drive (I think), so we can just plan to eat somewhere we've never eaten before.

My brain revolves around food. One of my motivators for running is so I can eat more of the food I like, which just so happens to be the food you need to eat when you're active. Ya know. Stuff like PASTA.

Speaking of food, I've signed on to go to a fall fest meetup at a mom's house on Friday, and I think attending means that you agree to bring food. So. I need to figure out what I'm making Thursday evening, since I won't have time to make it Friday morning, since I'm leading a walk right before the fall fest meetup (which is reeeally close to where my walk is, so I know I can swing both, but we probably won't be able to stay long since Nathaniel will be in need of a nap around the time the event starts). I'm also preparing two things for Thanksgiving lunch with my family and one or two things for Thanksgiving dinner with AJ's family. And I've agreed to make a quiche for an event with the running club on the 30th. And earlier today, I got to thinking that maybe I could bake a pie for friends to take to Staunton, since I've done that before.

Sometimes, it's like I try to overload myself.

(I love Hyperbole and a Half. I hope it's acceptable to have posted that...)

I feel like that's a good place to stop. We'll pick it up next month, where I'll talk about the success or failure of organizing my first charity, er, thing with the running club, the 10k, the holidays, and hopefully how well Nathaniel is continuing to sleep (because hey! He's sleeping through the night again! A couple of hiccups, but otherwise, it's been good these past two weeks. My sanity is oh, so thankful....).

wine tasting, frc, baking, cooking, staunton, friendship, running

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