My pee iz good!

Jan 06, 2012 13:59

Last week was my latest OB appointment. At the practice we go to, there are three doctors, and I need to meet with each of them at least once, because they can't guarantee who will be on-call when I'm in labor (understandable). Last week was the first time I met with my second doctor, and he is SO COOL! He's French and sports a handlebar mustache (that actually looks good!). He told me, "Your weight iz good! Your blood pressure iz good! Your pee iz good!" Life just isn't worth living until you've heard someone speak about your urine with a tone of elation.

AJ and I asked him about genetic testing, as the first doctor we met with for the first few appointments had sent off a referral to another location on our behalf. She had expressed concern due to AJ's brother being MR and my youngest brother having Asperger's. This second doctor was confused about that though, as we explained that AJ's brother's MR is more than likely a result of the epidural that their mother was given at the time, since it was recalled shortly thereafter due to birth defects. The doctor noted that of course there'd be no way to find that in a genetic test, and he said that you couldn't detect Asperger's that way either. I said, "That's what I thought, but I'm not a doctor." He said that if it gave us peace of mind, he'd put in for another referral for us, since we hadn't heard anything from the first one, but he said that they'd just give an amniocentesis, which has risks, and that they really wouldn't be able to tell us any more than what we'd already been told. We'd already gotten bloodwork done to rule out Down's Syndrome and Spina Bifida, and those results showed that Nathaniel isn't in danger of having either. So we're not getting the genetic testing done. That's a load off our minds.

Nathaniel is a kicker. He's most active in the evenings, just a couple of hours before bed. Last night while I was lying on my right side, he started nudging me. I wonder if he was telling me to move. I know that many sources say to only lie on your left side, but according to Mommy Docs, it is important to lie however you're most comfortable and your body will tell you if you need to adjust. Maybe Nathaniel was telling me to do that. So I did. He was doing some weird stuff yesterevening. I don't know if he was shifting or what. I know that he's supposed to have his head downward around now, and sometimes I feel movement near my ribs, but I'll also feel it pretty low. So he's punching and kicking. I just can't distinguish what's a foot and what's a fist. We're having another ultrasound done tomorrow though, so I guess we'll find out then. The doctor said that for peace of mind, we can have another ultrasound to make sure he's growing properly. According to things I read, he should be roughly two pounds right now.

I'm 24 1/2 weeks into this pregnancy! Only 15 1/2 weeks to go! I'm starting to enjoy pregnancy more. I heard that the second trimester was the best of the three. It's definitely better than the first trimester. I was nauseated off and on for a while then, and even though in the past when I mentioned how I got my appetite back early on, that still waxed and waned a bit until maybe week 15 or 16 (even though my appetite was better than it had been when I informed LJ). My appetite is back, my sense of smell has gone back to normal, and I get to experience sensations in my belly notifying me that there is life growing in there. I hear that the third trimester sucks and that I'll get tired of all the movement inside, but I'm enjoying it for now. I can't wait to meet this kid.

nathaniel, week 24.5

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