I've moved

Aug 03, 2006 10:27

One month until I turn the big ol' "deux" "trois." I've been thinking of myself as 23 for maybe a month now. I'm not even sure of what I'm doing for my birthday. I know AJ and I will be going home for it, but that's about it. It's on a Sunday this year, on Labor Day weekend, which is better known to me as my weekend, as my birthday always revolves around it.

Went home on Friday. Had to get my room cleaned out. Still not done. I'm nearly out of room in my storage building, and I can't take everything else to Arlington, because there's no need for all of it. And since we're going to be temporarily living in KC and Megan's living room, we'll have even less room for this stuff. I realize now that I brought a lot of useless stuff that wouldn't be so useless if the next indeterminate time period wouldn't be so nomadic. I brought A LOT of clothes, some of which are winter pajamas and stuff like that, which won't be necessary. And it dawned on me as I was unpacking: I have no dresser. So it looks like I'll either need to invest in one, or just a lot of hangers. More likely the latter.

Oh, I'm back in Arlington. I re-read all of that, and it gives the impression that I'm still at home. I came back here yesterday at about 12:30 or so. Sped like a mogogo. I left the house at 9:00 and had to run by the bank before getting on the Interstate. And the drive is an estimated four hours, so you can do the math. =P I wanted to make sure I got here in plenty of time to unpack, eat lunch, shower all the funk off of me, and breathe before going to my follow-up interview at Borders. And it all worked out just fine.

Oh, the follow-up? 'Twas made of awesome. This one was with the general store manager April. When I was interviewed by Christian, the HR manager, I didn't have time to get nervous with riding out there almost immediately after he called last Thursday. But with this follow-up, I've kind of known since the interview with Christian, so I've had all that time to wonder. I'd never had a follow-up interview before, so I didn't know exactly what they needed to know the second go around. It was pretty much the same interview, just a different person. I was little more nervous at the beginning, but April is really nice and laid-back, which put me at ease. She informed me that this Borders is a very important one. You never know who will show up. They often get senators, athletes, and Dick Cheney frequents the place, "... although I haven't seen him in a while," April told me. She also informed me that writers are there often for book signings. I'm crossing my fingers for Stephen King. I'll keep y'all informed with that sort of thing. April liked that I was all for wanting to work in the cafe, even when I admitted that I had no experience. "I've never done it before, but I love coffee," and I made sure to stress the love with widened eyes. She said I have Borders written all over me. Pending a reference check, I have the job. So... I have the job. I wouldn't list crappy references after all. I have Veronica and Stacey from IT as my references. Christian should be calling me today or tomorrow about all of that. After the interview, AJ and I looked at some books in the psychology section, and I found some interesting stuff on autism. And I took a few glances at the religion section. I'll be the first to admit that I am not well-educated in religion by any means, but I'd like to be, so I may check that stuff out. Oh! New employees get a 33% discount for the first six months and then get a $30 gift card every month. And... free coffee. Heaven...

After leaving Borders, we called up Megan, who was walking home from the Metro station, which is maybe a half an hour away. As we all know, it's been crazy hot outside, so we offered to pick her up by the McDonalds. And that we did. We all went back to Megan and KC's apartment, but KC is out of town until next month. Megan's friend Chris is visiting, and he was trying to cook dinner. Turned out pretty well. Some pasta stuff. Oh... AJ was mean to Chris. When Megan, AJ, and I were knocking on the door (I think because Megan left her key or something), AJ covered the peephole with his finger. When Chris opened the door, AJ made his voice deeper and said, "Give us the money!" and then instantly hopped back, laughed, and said, "I'm sorry, I had to do it." I apologized to Chris. "I had no idea he'd do that." And then we were introduced. We watched Four Rooms, I watched everyone play games, we all watched cartoons, and then Chris went to bed when Nightmares and Dreamscapes came on, because he's not a Stephen King fan. Then AJ and I went back to our apartment. I did a bit of unpacking, and we went to sleep.

AJ is at his internship now. Today is the day when people inspect the apartments of people who are leaving at the end of the month. I don't like the idea that I'll be here without him when strangers come to the apartment. I have to explain that I just moved up here and will be moving in a few weeks (if they ask), and I need to tell tgem about the spots on the carpet from the maintenance guy fixing the air conditioner a couple of months ago. I want them to be here and gone, because I want coffee. AJ's not sure if coffee makers are allowed, so I have it hiding until after the inspection.

Enough rambling.

borders, a to the j, job search, jobs

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