First Sponsored+ Post... Testing 1-2-3

Jun 12, 2006 11:08

I upgraded to Sponsored. I'm not a fan of advertisements, but they aren't hurting me, and they aren't pop-ups, so I don't really care. It moves my layout to the side a bit, but it doesn't really mess it up, so I don't mind that either.

AJ and I went to a picnic yesterday for SGA. We took the metro and then walked a mile and a half to the park where everything was being held. I really do enjoy walks, but my feet don't, so I whined for AJ to carry me. All to no avail. There was a raffle, and we won a $25 gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond, but we didn't want it. I said, "Maybe there's something we both could enjoy. It says 'beyond.'" I had been rooting for something like Starbucks or Green Berries (a local coffee shop), and AJ wanted Border's, because we had stopped by one at the Pentagon City metro station earlier for change, and AJ noticed a deal (buy 3 DVDs, get the fourth free). Anyway, I said, "Maybe you can trade it for something else." So he asked a woman near us if she wanted to trade our Bed Bath and Beyond card for her Barnes and Noble card, and she was more than happy to oblige. Then I told AJ, "You could trade that with someone who got a Border's gift card. It'd probably be all the same to them." The Border's card was $20, so the person who had that exchanged with us and tacked on $5. So we won. AJ bought Dog Day Afternoon, The Reckoning, Where the Truth Lies, and Glengarry Glenross. We watched Where the Truth Lies last night, and it was sooo good!

Being in Arlington has been so much fun so far. AJ and I woke up at 7:30 for AJ to get ready for his internship, but we decided to sleep for another hour, and he'd just go in an hour late, since there's no set time for him to be in, and he doesn't get paid. After sleeping for another hour, we exchanged weird dream stories and lay there for a bit, holding each other and all that. Then AJ decided he was going to call the office later and see if they needed him. Turns out that the people he works with aren't even in the office, so he would have been bored out of his mind had he gone to his internship today. He's made the calls he needed to make though. We showered and then we both goofed off online, which we're doing now. He wanted to cuddle and watch a movie, but I was in the midst of typing this entry, so I gave him permission to play a Magic Online game. ;) We took a break from the internet long enough to be brave and try the Harry Potter jelly beans AJ bought yesterday at Border's. We closed our eyes and tried one each. AJ's was grass, and mine was buttered popcorn. So we both lucked out. He said, "We both win this round."

Oh, and AJ is so sweet. Sometimes, out of nowhere, he'll turn to me and tell me that I'm beautiful. He compliments me nearly every day, and has done so since we got together. Well, for a while now, I've been typing on my lappy while sitting indian style. I had to scratch one of my feet moments ago, and as you know, while sitting indian style, your feet are in the middle. So I had to lift my lappy to reach my foot. At the exact moment, AJ turned to me from his computer and said, "You're beautiful." So I felt I should say, "I'm not scratching my crotch. Just my foot." "Sure, whatevah." Doesn't matter either way though. We're totally comfortable around each other. I told all of this to Mike.

Mike: LOL
Mike: I scratch all the time
Miki: Love is when you can scratch anywhere in front of your partner, and your partner doesn't care
Mike: love is when your partner would scratch for you

Love can be proven in a lot of ways. In this instance, scratching in front of one another or for one another. Now you gimme your examples.

harry potter jelly beans, arlington, scratching, a to the j, mike

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