Weight has been lifted from my shoulders

May 05, 2006 15:07

Lessee... Did I tell you that Dr McKnight found my exam? I got a 92, giving me a B in the class. I looked on UNCGenie a little while ago, and the D has now been replaced with the rightful B. Le woot-woot.

I hung out with Travis yesterevening for dinnah. We hadn't done that since August, when he visited and we went to Manhattan Pizza & Subs. We decided to meet at Steak & Shake in Burlington, since it's roughly halfway for both of us. It's about 19 miles for me, starting from the McIver parking deck. His girlfriend broke up with him the other night, and when we walked inside, he mentioned how they had gone to this particular Steak & Shake before. When we were seated, it turns out we sat in the very same booth as well. I said, "Well, don't worry. I can't dump you again." This was said as our waitress came up, who said, "Aw, I hope no one's getting dumped!" He explains his girlfriend just broke up with him and that I was trying to make him feel better. I said, "Even though it probably didn't sound like that." He added, "I said trying." Wokka wokka wokka. I didn't feel like explaining to the waitress that what I meant was that he and I dated four years ago, and I had already broken up with him, and seeing as how we weren't dating, I couldn't exactly do it again. That's too much to explain to a stranger. Anyway, I thought that part of conversation was noteworthy. We ordered almost the exact same thing, only he had cheese on his fries, and I had cheese on my broccoli cheddar soup. We both had the portobello mushroom steakburger thingie though. Oh, and he had water, and I had sweet tea. When we got ready to leave, I wanted to visually document the occasion, seeing as how the last few times I had seen Travis, I hadn't taken any pictures.

My head's glowing, because there's a streetlight somewhere behind me. Anyway, we decided to go to McDonald's afterwards, because we wanted dessert but didn't want to pay $5+ for it. So I rode with Travis down the street, and we got one of those hot fudge sundaes on the dollar menu and sat outside for a bit. Then we rode back to the Steak & Shake parking lot, and we went in opposite directions. I listened to the graduation CD Samantha made for me the whole way there and back.

I went into work early last night. Instead of working the late hour 12:45-1:45, I came in at 11:30 and stayed until 1:45. Then I walked back with Kristel and Jen B from the library, so yay for the buddy system at night. Then I decided I should gather my things as best I can, since I'm going home in a couple of hours (and coming back Sunday morning). I got in bed at 3:10, fell asleep at about 4:00, and I slept like a rock. I didn't hear Gretchen wake up at all. Her parents called her to wake her, so she could get ready to go for her 8:00 presentation. I didn't hear the phone ring. I didn't hear her stir. I didn't hear her walk around getting ready. I didn't hear her loud printer. I did have a dream that she overslept to 9:23, and that I woke her up. At 9:40, I woke up and realized that I hadn't heard Gretchen wake up, so I was a bit frantic until I peered over my loft and saw that Gretchen wasn't there. I must have been tired. I slept for another hour, and then Gretchen came in, and we got brunch.

I dropped off Mac's Harry Potter books (that I never did read, because I never really thought about them) in Sarah's room over in Mary Foust, and Laura wanted me to stop by, so I did. She gave me Groucho Marx glasses (and nose and mustache) for graduation! It's wonderful, because I told myself that I'd go as Groucho this year for Halloween since I was Harpo for last Halloween. She took a picture of me, which I currently do not have, but I will post it once I have it. I read to her my speech, which I was nervous even reading in front of her, but I felt that it was well-written. To prevent myself from speed-reading too terribly much, I added ellipses at the end of most sentences and even in lieu of some commas. I think they actually helped me though, because when I got up to speak (I was the 19th person to go up, even though I told myself I'd be one of the first), I reminded myself to pause and to breathe. One girl in the class, Stephanie, told me that I did better, spoke slower, and that I did a great job. So I anticipate a good grade, since I made a 47 out of 50 on the first speech, and that was with speed-reading. So logically, I should make a better grade this time around. Dr Cureton says our grades will be up by Wednesday. But I want to know NOW.

photo, laura, soc 390, groucho, speech, graduation, travis, psy 471

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