Erin's excellent adventures in geekdom

Jun 01, 2006 10:14

Recently Foosh and I have been discussing cons and cosplay and general anime geekdom. I remember the first few conventions I attended: I didn't really know what activites I liked doing or seeing. I didn't plan ahead enough about things like food. I thought cosplay was waaay too expensive. And I definitely did not do enough partying or meet any new people. But this past Katsucon seemed like a major turning point. It was my seventh anime convention and fourth Katsucon: they finally got it right! I finally got it right. I learned from last Otakon and rocked my costume, finally getting Ivy the attention she deserves. I met a bunch of new people who knew how to have a great time and I have proceeded to hang out with them on a fairly regular basis since Katsu. I didn't get much sleep, but that Friday and Saturday were two of the best nights of my life. And I want Otakon to top them.

I am slightly on the fence about who I want to do for my next cosplay. Right now I could see myself doing Ada from RE:4, Excel's "good" conscience-angel from Excel Saga, or Ora from Clover. The Excel Saga cosplay would be sexecellent if Mag did the "bad" angel, but then she would have to be covered head-to-toe in green paint, so that option is lowest on the list. I love Ora, but all of her outfits are complex and would most likely involve working with corsets, vinyl, and making wings. In the manga her stage clothes are utterly beautiful, and to reproduce that beauty I could see myself having to spend a very large sum of money. I did spent $600 on Ivy, but I knew that LillyXandra had made Ivy before; I trusted her to make me a worthy replica of her original costume. I will have to some research and see if this Ora dream can be realized. (In the meantime I plan on re-reading volume 3 of Clover and swooning.) Then there is Ada. Her costume is fairly simple: a floor-length red halter dress with butterflies and flowers embroidered along the right side. Her weapon is also simple: a gun. And if Chris will go as Leon...I am sold. I know Amethyst Angel does amazing work based on what I have seen on Mag's Xainghua 3p costume, so basically I just need to be Ada lol...

It seems very ironic: most of my cosplay ideas are not from characters in anime, but games. I love so many of the SCII costumes; they are gloriously over the top. Sometimes I don't even know why I am so drawn to Ivy...I will go with the fact that in the game she is beautiful and powerful. Mwuh ha. Mag has expressed this same love of seeing fighting game costumes realized as cosplay. We agree that so many anime cosplays have just been done to death; we both want to stand out if we are spending a ton of teh cash. That sentiment reflects my general philosophy on cosplay: I want to turn heads. I want people to immediately recognize who I am. Even though sometimes that is hard if people don't know where your character is from lol. But even when I don't know what show or game someone's costume is from, I can always respect a well-done cosplay; I love capturing their efforts on film.

I am soooo majorly jealous of my friends who are going to AX.
I can't believe that Clamp is going to be there!!!!!!!111one *proceeds to worship Clamp*
I definitely want to start going to more than 2 cons a year.
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