it's all fun and games until Paul breaks my sunglasses

Jun 01, 2006 09:24

So I have been back working 8:30-5 at the Dean's Office for 2 days now and already I want to shoot myself. It's not as bad when I have a project to work on, but there is soo much downtime...I need to get my E-bay addiction back. I did an E-bay search for "sakura" on Tuesday when I was bored and that's how I discovered that Stila has this awesome new collection:

I am reaaaally tempted to drop $64 and buy all three things, especially since there is a limited-time offer of free shipping on orders of $60 or more. (Fate is giving me a sign lol...) I got all this money for graduation, and damn it, I want to buy some nice things. Of course I should probably be thinking about spending ridiculous amounts of money on something more useful, like more work clothes or a cell phone or a plasma TV or a pair of Paul-resistant sunglasses...

It has finally hit that I am no longer in school. On one hand this week feels like last summer, except now I am not a n00b: I am the one who is keeping my boss from totally freaking out about Orientation with my 1337 skillz. The more I am in this office, the more I wish I was a dean or a director. I love eavesdropping on my boss's phone calls, he always sounds knowledgable and in control when he chews out parents or discusses some student with another advisor. I want the kind of power he has. Although a cushy government job would be pretty sweet, I could totally see myself working at a university, especially this one.

and now, your moment of zen:

Ad Aware Fangirl: i know nothing about the real world, i am an arhu major!
tenchimyo1: ARHU
tenchimyo1: excuse me?
tenchimyo1: ARHU!
tenchimyo1: knock knock
tenchimyo1: who's there
tenchimyo1: ARHU
tenchimyo1: ARHU who?
tenchimyo1: ARHU going to get a job?
tenchimyo1: waaa waaa waaa
tenchimyo1: seriously folks
tenchimyo1: I'll be here all week
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