It's the all-powerful icon meme of DOOM!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!
ETA: You don't have to play if you don't want.
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I went to my friend Tom's Greek Orthodox church a couple times when I was a kid and stayed over the weekend, and I love the insane ornateness of your religion, too.
I'll play! I may or may not post, but I'll at least comment.
Okay, so I know these are all you, and I'm used to seeing certain ones associated with certain posts, so I guess my curiosity lies in wondering if any of these were taken specifically to make icons? And what the situations behind some of them are. And stuff.
1. Mr. Cranky-pants (my ultimate all-time favorite icon above all icons ever)
2. Peculiar Wedding Moustache
3. A-ha!
4. Dream of bingo
5. Safety Mustache
7. (extra because just reading the post doesn't convey enough the awesomeness of) Simon & Me
Sorry for the edit :(
I use it for when I'm cranky. Because sometimes I am straightforward like that.
It is the favorite icon of many, many people. Sadly, I'm not actually cranky all that often, so I sometimes look for excuses to use it, because I know that a bunch of people will squee. :)
Hang on...I have to go pick a new favorite icon!
Aside: I have been in a LOT of weddings. It's probably a good thing that me & my boys will likely never have a formal ceremony, but just jump straight to a major anniversary at some point, because (aside from the fact that the other three would all break out in hives having a Big Public Thing like that focused on them) I would have to have, like, fifteen groomspeople at the absolute minimum.
I mostly use this icon for comments on Miss Manners-y kinds of things, though sometimes it comes into play for commenting on the 'tache.
In this case, I was taking my usual bi-monthly self-portrait for posterity and the benefit of my future biographers, and I had just had the realization that if I took a picture of the ideational halo, it would make a good icon, when suddenly the flash went off.
So that worked out pretty well.
I find it fascinating your ideation pops out of your head just above your ear. That looks like it might hurt.
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