Because it's about the pretty icons

May 20, 2010 18:20

It's the all-powerful icon meme of DOOM!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Whoo!

ETA: You don't have to play if you don't want. You know. If you don't wanna.
Here, have a stuffed unicorn.

I picked this one up right around the time I was tutoring ms_vague  for her math class (in which she got a B *\o/*).  I chose it only to use on a comment for her, because I love her like that.  Also, it amuses me.  So I keep it.  Because it amuses me.  And also it's kinda funny how math keeps popping up in my life like that.

I have stripey tights that I like to wear on occasion.  Unfortunately, I will never find a pair of red sparkly shoes in my size.  I mostly love this icon because it's the perfect one to use when it feels like everything bad is happening at once and I say, "Next thing you know, a house is going to fucking fall on me."  But that never happens, so I get better.

So just after LOCI started sucking balls, they were all about getting guest stars, supposedly to distract us from the terrible plots.  But apparently in LOCI-land, super guest stars equaled people like Doris Roberts and Andrew McCarthy (which, if you don't know the Andrew McCarthy story, didn't seem like that special an appearance - because if you did know the Andrew McCarthy story, it was fucking hilarious).  And in a very special "ripped from the headlines how tasteless can we be to steal the JonBenet Ramsey story" episode, Liza.  Poor, poor Liza could barely move her face for all the surgery she's had, but it was strangely affecting, as it seemed frozen in grief, not from the fear of aging gracefully.  And in this one scene, she's holding this stuffed unicorn and I'm thinking, hey I used to have a unicorn very similar to that, and then I remember how much I loved unicorns, and then it turned out Dave from 2001 did it all along and I thought, huh.  So I use this when I need to remember the special comfort and security that comes from holding a stuffed unicorn.

The Theotokos is the Mother of God in the Greek Orthodox Church. 
Perhaps it's because I grew up in it, but I love the insane ornateness of my religion.  Walk into one of our churches and there are icons, stained glass, more icons, icons painted on the walls, in the narthex, on the ceiling.  The colors are rich and warm and I can't help but feel surrounded by something mysteriously sacred.  I love plain churches too; I love their simplicity, warm woods and white walls.  But I feel at home surrounded by color and pictures.  Most Protestant churches denigrate Orthodox and Catholic churches for their "idolatrous" worship of Mary, but I say, she is the MOTHER OF GOD WORSHIP HER.  And I know Christianity has many many problems with sexism and oppression.  I'm not naive.  But a faith that actively worships a woman has its moments in my book.  Also, the falling asleep of the theotokos service is one of the most beautiful of my religion's many beautiful services.  I use this one when I'm writing about anything that in any way involves my personal faith.

OMG, they're coppers and they're kissing.  This was one of my early poor attempts at icon making, but I couldn't resist, especially considering I was writing copper slash.  Before I had any Nicholas and Danny icons, I had these sexy boyos (provided by Banksy).  This was the icon I used to post "The Good Knight-Errant," and for that reason alone, it lives in my heart forever as a favorite, bad cropping be damned.

After Nicholas and Danny, Booth and Brennan are my OTP.  They were never the primary reason I watched Bones--there were many other reasons to do that--so I didn't realize how invested I had become in their burgeoning relationship until this episode from last season (invested so much so that after "The Part in the Sum of the Whole" I burst into tears, trufax).  I am very picky about acquiring icons from TV shows.  Something about it has to ping with me.  I love this one especially because it points to something unspoken and yet so clear and honest.  So I use it when I am speaking from the heart.

that thing i do, meme

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