Dec 05, 2003 20:37
Came down with a bit of a body cold last night. I knew it was coming, though. So, I'm staying in this weekend. Kim bailed on her visit to see me, but the funny thing is, well, I expected it. She hadn't called me all week, I had all these things planned, and then boom, yesterday, um, I cancelled my trip...hope you don't mind...bye!!! It's like...yeah, okay...sure...uh, huh, love you too!!!! She assured me she had asked for the day off way long ago and that it was all set. And well, she decided she was gonna stay in Cali. And I still haven't heard from her. Maybe she's too chicken to actually talk to me. Whatever. I feel too gross right now for company, anywho.
So, just been doing laundry, cleaning up the apartment, getting ready for x-mas!!! So excited. Anyah's wedding is next week, which should be just a blast, but I got all these mid-year staff evaluations I have to finish before then. Ack! Not to mention wrapping and giving x-mas gifts. It's like, I love x-mas, but I hate the pain of shopping. I wish I had a personal shopper. I don't mind giving things at all. I prefer to give than to receive. Heh, heh, heh. But my impatience can get wearing on the huge x-mas lines and crowds. Ack. Good thing most of my important shopping is done already. Heh, heh, heh.
Turns out I'm missing the staff holiday party next week while at the weddding. Supposedly all the Directors get smashed beforehand and then show up drunk. Sounds like a good time. When was my last drink anyway? Hummmm....well, obviously my tolerance must be going down since I do not remember the last time I drunk. I'm a lightweight as it is.
Got tired of my journal being the same damn thing all the time so I changed up the colors and icons a bit. I think I've been doing a decent job at being better at this journal thing. Let's see if I can keep it up...I think I'll go veg on the couch for a bit...hope all is well with everyone out there!