Comments posted!

Dec 03, 2003 00:12

Hey all~

Posted a mass reply to your comments in my latest journal entry (below this). Check it out! :-)

Today I had a staff meeting and you know what? It can suck to be a manager of people because you have to be a hard-ass and call people out when you don't really want to. I think I can be kind of a pushover, so it is a little different for me to really just say, "Look, don't be're out of line..." Are people just talking back more and more these days? Whatever happened to the days when employees were supposed to freaking respect authority!? I don't get it?

Any thoughts or comments. Would be much appreciated.

Sorry, hcknydst...I always forget what your real name is...are you planning on going to the Insight Bowl? How much are tickets to Phoenix at the time, anyway!? How fun would that be!? The year that I will actually still be good friends with the players on the team. Part of me wants to do it. The other part of me...well, it's the freaking holidays and I am already traveling a bunch already...ack!!!!!

Oh, and by the way...did I mention I am going to see Earth Wind and Fire in December? I bought tickets for Scott for x-mas (his fave group) should be a good time, although I am sure I will be put in place in regards to how old I am. Heh!

Thanks to Pepsigirl02 for this link and heads-up on how to give easily during the holidays!!!

Here is an easy way to make a difference this holiday season. Campbell's is donating a can of soup to the needy for every person that goes to their site and votes for their favorite NFL team. Go to the site and it is right there, very easy to do. It will only take a few seconds of your time.


Stolen from melonsync

[ Name ] Jennifer [those who know me know the last name...]
[ Nicknames ] Jen, Jenny, Juicy, Superstar, Kikkowoman, Jenny from the Block...heh, heh...
[ Screen name ] JenCCal...and aliases!
[ Astrological sign ] Capricorn
[ Chinese zodiac sign ] You'd be able to figure out how old I am then...
[ Location ] Austin
[ Marital Status ] Not married, but in love! And it is mutual!
[ Siblings? ] One sister...named Alison...whom I love dearly!
[ Nieces/Nephews? ] Ummmm....not that I know of yet?
[ Kids of your own? ] No way Jose!
[ Pets? ] Brandon passed away a couple years ago...Our amazing golden retriever.

[ Number ] 9
[ Flower ] This is a hard one...I love lavender roses and sunflowers....and gardenias.
[ Scent ] My secret.
[ Shape ] Not sure here??? Whatever is appropriate at the time? Heh, heh!
[ Drinks ] Pink Lemonade, Arizona Green Tea with Honey and Ginseng, Vanila Stoli Lemon Drops...

[ Color your hair? ] sometimes
[ Twirl your hair? ] sometimes
[ Have tattoos? ] no...but i've thought about it!
[ Piercings? ] just on the ears...
[ Drink/Smoke?] Yupos.
[ Like cleaning? ] I have my moments.
[ Write in cursive or print? ] both
[ Carry a donor card? ] maybe
[ Swear a lot? ] fuck yes
[ Diet? ] I watch my portions. Sometimes I diet.
[ Hate yourself? ] Heck, no!
[ Have a best friend? ] yes. a couple actually!
[ Close friends? ] yes
[ Like your handwriting? ] eh, naw, but what kind of question is this?

[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ] no
[ DUI? ] no
[ Been in a wreck? ] yes
[ Been in a fist fight? ] no
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] yes, in the swimming pool
[ Drank? ] yes
[ Been married? ]nope
[ Cried over a boy? ] who doesn't?
[ Lied to someone? ] yes
[ Been in love? ] amazingly
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] yes, it's great when it's reciprocated. horrible when you end it, though.
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] maybe once?

[ Been rejected? ] probably
[ Been in lust? ] yes
[ Used someone? ] i hope not
[ Been used? ] i hope not
[ Been cheated on? ] i hope not
[ Been kissed? ] yes
[ Experimented with homosexuality? ] just a kiss.

[ Mood ] drained
[ Music ] air conditioning
[ Taste ] powerade fruit punch
[ Hair ] clean and styled
[ Annoyance ] disrespect! fucking know your place and follow the directions!
[ Smell ] Pantene
[ Thing I ought to be doing ] sleeping
[ Windows open ] eudora, lj, winamp
[ Desktop picture ] scott and me at the mgm grand
[ Book ] the alchemist
[ CDs in stereo ] the warp brothers, best mixed cd ever, and...pvd global i believe.
[ Crush ] is it a crush if he loves you back? then yes. scott. :-P

[ Believe there is life on other planets? ]yes
[ Believe in miracles? ] yes.
[ Believe it’s possible to remain faithful forever? ] yes, as long as you can masturbate on the side.
[ Consider yourself tolerant of others? ] normally
[ Consider love a mistake? ] no.

[ First crush ] Jason in 1st grade at Blue Hills.
[ First kiss ] Michael in 7th grade at Miller.
[ Do you believe in “the one?” ] What, Keanu Reeves from the Matrix? Heh...I'm with Melon, I'd like to
[ Have a secret crush? ] NO NO NO!!!
[ Do they know yet? ] NO NO NO
[ Describe your ideal significant other ] Loving, faithful, funny, knows how to have a good time...knows how to be mellow...knows how to be with me when i am in my at all other times...someone who can obviously make me smile just thinking of them or just being in their arms. Now that's ideal.

cookie if you read all that shit.
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