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Comments 269

[ action ] so very much a placeholder slaying September 6 2011, 01:45:28 UTC
[ buffy swings by the smithy sometime in the middle of the afternoon. she hasn't come up with an excuse for being there, yet. mostly she just wants to check in with sokka and see how the guy's doing -- she hasn't really hung with him since the awkward bouncing castle incident, after all.

so, immediately after entering: ] Hey. You. Sokka. You in?


1/2 markofthegod September 6 2011, 01:48:31 UTC
[Lalala working on trying to figure out how to use this whole forge thing... inspecting all the parts and-

Wait, someone came in. Oh, well. Could be for someone else.]


[ action ] markofthegod September 6 2011, 01:55:43 UTC
[...and then it's for him. Err, her. Well, him, but she has to answer it. and worse, she recognizes the voice. Sokka likes her, right? So... turn to leap the counter (awkwardly, given new body and all) to see her]

Yo! [Wait, no, sound like Sokka. ...How does he sound?] When am I not here?


[ action ] slaying September 6 2011, 01:57:31 UTC
Come on, we all have lives.

[ a warm smile; this sort of barb is a friendly one. ] Good to see you pulled through safely, Sokka.

[ the draft. ]


crytearsofjoy September 6 2011, 01:49:01 UTC
[...Huh. Sokka seems to be very "out of it" and not working to his full potential. Winry just notes this as post-draft reaction and decides to pat him on the shoulder.]

Hey, you feeling all right?


markofthegod September 6 2011, 01:57:05 UTC
[God this is just so. So. Unfair. so unfair. She awkwardly cough and-]

I'm uh.. fine, yeah.


crytearsofjoy September 6 2011, 02:10:29 UTC
You seem a little out of it. Are you sure you don't want a week off to recover from the draft? I know you refused yesterday, but...


markofthegod September 6 2011, 02:12:08 UTC
Winry. I'm fine, [And it's all she can do to stop the "jeez" mid-sentence, and turn it into a sigh]


xelhes September 6 2011, 01:56:47 UTC
[It was amazing how much flour cakes took up. After Grune's cake spree earlier in the week, they were still pretty low, even after an emergency grocery trip for more. So Fenimore is making her way towards the grocery store when she passes the smithy and pauses in front of its door. She doesn't particularly like the smithy and she's not really been in it much, if at all. But she ought to check up on Sokka after the draft and this was one place that he could probably be found.

She takes a deep breath, knocks lightly, and slowly opens the door, looking in to see if Sokka is there.]


markofthegod September 6 2011, 02:02:21 UTC
[...This girl is- run down the mental list. Blonde, long hair... twintails? It must be that Fenimore chick. The awkward one. Okay, Sokka mentioned her. They're... friends? With other complications. So when she spots her entering the door, she stands to intercept-]

Hey there.


xelhes September 6 2011, 02:23:22 UTC
[She smiles slightly as she sees "him" and enters the room completely rather than hanging by the door.]

Hey. You're back to work already?


markofthegod September 6 2011, 02:27:40 UTC
Of course! The show must go on, right?

[...Wait, would Sokka say that? Oh well. She just says it and puts on her most confident smirkfaice at the end of it because that seems right]


so_shik September 6 2011, 02:00:11 UTC
[Sometime later in the afternoon, there will be a Shiki barging into the Smithy. Sokka always seems to know what kind of weapons are the best, and she trusted his judgment.]

Hey! I need to talk to you.


markofthegod September 6 2011, 02:03:17 UTC
[OH GOD DID SOKKA FUCK UP AND SHIKI FOUND OUT? Please don't let Shiki have found out come on she's an idiot, what could Sokka have done? She turns, trying to hide her alarm]



so_shik September 6 2011, 02:18:56 UTC
Think I'm due for another weapon upgrade...I really want to keep advancing, you know? [She's been on this kick of constantly being busy. She's already been working on redecorating the shop and house with Haruhi's help, so she may as well keep going with another hobby.] And I mean...you know what would be best for me to use, so what do you think?


markofthegod September 6 2011, 02:29:05 UTC
Well, yeah...

[...Shit what the hell - swords. Okay, she knows Shiki uses swords but has she seen any around the house? Not really. So she must keep them elsewhere or...]

...Remind me what you're using now?

[She said as she stands and goes to look "importantly" at the sword rack on the nearest wall]


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markofthegod September 6 2011, 03:36:23 UTC
[Toph, right? Okay, she knows about Toph and the bending and... stuff. She gets out of the way a little late and bites back any retort. She can't mean for her to go get it, right? So she just keeps standing there]


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markofthegod September 6 2011, 03:55:08 UTC
There's some veggies involved I think.

[...Wait. She should have sounded more disappointed about that. He likes meat. Uh. Hm]


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