Aug 27, 2007 15:13
List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
Tag seven people to do the same.
Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag whoever wants to do it. (err- nope. know nothing about tags!)
1)When I'm going to sleep I have to be lying on my left shoulder, be able to see the door to the bedroom and have all doors, drawers and cupboards closed. It was origionally because I was afraid of stuff coming at me in the dark but now its just a weird, rather OCD habit.
2)When I was little my favourite toy was a disney "unca scrooge" Duck called Louis, almost every night he used to fall under my bed while I was sleeping and I truly believed he had gone to London every time, just because it was the only "other" place I knew:)
3)In Douglas Adams "the meaning of LIFF" my name (kerrie) is defined as: the little peice of skin which is between sausages on a chain of them:) Kerrie also originally means "dark one" in gaelic.
4)I have a strange and completely irrational fear of big fish (especially out of water), the veins that you can see on wrists (specifically people poking or getting cuts on them) and people touching my neck makes me a big paranoid, panicky mess.
5)When I was little (and occasionally now) I tended to take things my mum said very literally. One day I had to give my teacher £5 for a school trip by the end of the week and when I asked my mum for it and she jokingly said "you can tell your teacher to kiss my cookie". I spent like 3 days worrying about how I would be able to say it to my teacher when I decided that I probably shouldn' Amazing what you remember.
6)I feel very uncomfortable if I'm relaxing around the house and I don't have my arms covered, feels like I'm missing something. Yes, I'm a freak and a cardigan addict:)
7)If im out for the night ,after about 2am I get extremely focused on getting home to MY house, I get very jealous of my spcae. It doesn't sound like much of a quirk but I just can't relax if I don't get to go back to my little nest-even I end up sitting up until 4am watching "Jaws 16" or something:)
Not much going on this week until friday when we move into our new house...thats right, I said HOUSE!:) not crappy flat but HOUSE. Can't wiat though not looking forward to the hassle!
Went to T-vital festival here in Belfast and had a ball last wednesday:)
Saw Killers, Kasabian, Mark Ronson and Karma 45. t'was good:D
Also nearly finished my dissertation and I can't friggin wait, though I'll miss studenty life I also very sick of it, I won't know what to do with myself for about a year though!!lol
Hope you're all shiney and happy!:)