Aug 06, 2007 15:46
I can't wait to move out of this flat. I love my room, I love the people I live with but its really just bugging me. I want to live in a house again.
I can't get a good nights sleep this last week, I'm convivinced its this stupid flat. Like the tom waits lyric "The sleepers take on the dreams of the ones who slept there" (or something similar). I had the most vivid and horrible dream i've had in ages, I dreamt that my friends boyfriend killed himself in our kitchen and while I looked for her for days on end his body stayed in our flat. What the hell is wrong with my head?!!
The night before that I dreamt that Red, the dad from "that 70's show" was following me very calmly up a mountain with a big axe getting ready to kill me. But when it came for him to decide whether to do it or not he opened his mouth and nothing but white noise came was at that point I realised that I'd knocked my alarm clock over and it wasn't tuned in. lol! Silly but distressingly vivid.
Besides this weirdness money is short but life is good:) Excuse my bollocks people:)