Forty-Fifth Explosion

Jul 05, 2009 00:36


[There's some fain sound of rain in the background of this. Clearly if not outside, Haruki is sitting somewhere which isn't entirely indoors or anything. He's most likely hanging out somewhere like the clubroom, checking out Walter's repairs and such]

The rain is kinda lame. I mean three days? Summer showers are one thing, but this getting stupid. I mean it made the Brigade tour yesterday a nightmare! Jeez! Stupid aliens, I bet they're controlling the weather or something. Damn aliens. Almost makes you wish there was school or something; you can't go out jogging or anything like this.

[...Grunt. And then he pauses before he goes on to the important part]

Oi Luceti! Anyone got some kinda good way to play music which isn't straight out of the seventeenth century?! Because I mean, come on guys, it's SUMMER and a lot of us are Japanese teenagers! What should be be doing?! That's right, a karaoke night! That's why we, the SOS-Brigade, are officially going to host one soon!

Anyway! Rena! Shiki! I've picked up a lot of stuff for dinner this morning, so we're going to make some cornbread!

[There's a drawn out pause before...] Oh yeah... Tanabata is in two days... SOS-Brigade! We're having a special meeting for it! Be sure to show up with two wishes you want granted in respectively sixteen or twenty-five years!

@atoli, *rena, @usagi tsukino, karaoke night, *shiki, shiki, *minato, but no one trusts him, *honey, *miu, damn aliens, rosalie's idea, cornbread times, rain rain go away, rena, @buffy summers, misses school too, *rosalie, raine is boring too, *winry

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