Back to "routine"

Aug 22, 2008 11:04

I've been, whether by choice or coercion, giving more thought to the concept of type again. This time not so much a question of what is one's type, or even what's most important to that one within their type, but rather WHY. What forms type? How much is natural and intrinsic vs. learned or based around people who had significant impacts on life? Anyway, maybe after next weekend's bottle of wine and discussion with one of the smartest, insightful people I know I'll have more to say. Suffice it to say that she will self-evaluate in the right circumstance, and it should be an interesting conversation that will only get less remembered as the bottles of wine empty.
Since most of the rest of the smartest people I know are either reading or ignoring this, I'd welcome any thoughts

On that note, at this time next week I should be out of debt to the department of education. The two large effects of this are: first and foremost, that monkey will be off my back. Flee and tick infested, diseased, rabid, clawing, two ton monkey. Second, I will finally be able to, with clear conscious, look into actually taking classes again and, oh I dunno, getting a degree? In math? Maybe to teach? Or in statistics, to get a job that would triple my income at least? It's kinda alarming to be, in all honesty, seriously considering this again.

Last week Yemaya was in town. It gets harder every time we part, and this last time was far and above the most difficult. She was flying as an unaccompanied minor, so I was with her at the gate, waiting for boarding, both of us trying with varying degrees of success to not cry. It was a wonderful visit. I have pictures from Reid Park Zoo; if anyone is interested just ask.

The job market is punishing me again. At least I do have an interview setup for next Thursday. More on that if/when I've landed the job.

yemaya, regular life, school

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