Jan 02, 2007 22:03
so i am writing more. or i am trying at least, as per one of my resolutions. that is so cliche and lame though. a new years resolution. but anyway i am pursuing it with conviction and that alone, if nothing else, should be commendable.
not that anyone reads this anyway. but thats besides the point.
a sad truth that i have slowly been realizing is that i have no BEST friend. I have plenty of good friends that i hang out with occasionally, and a few really good friends that i see more than others. but, sadly, it has come to me that i do not have a mutually best friend. that is so sad and it upsets me more than it probably should.
i dont know if it is me or not though it probably is. i dont think i am indispensable to anyone. and being so, i think, is the key. nothing about me makes me indispensable.
and thus, i will remain mediocre until i can come up with something that i can do that no one else can. but more than likely i will continue to be just there.
by the way. if you actually read this, let me know.