And the winner is...

Jan 06, 2009 15:00

Well 2009, so far so good...
Last October was my 2 year anniversary in my current position, which some of you may recall was a bit of a roller coaster ride.  I was stuck under someone who wanted me to pick up the scraps and was willing to throw me under the bus to save their own neck on any given day.  This all sort of culminated when in September a new coworker, we'll call him Hank, in a senior possition (two levels above my own) declared exclusion from the work efforts of the rest of our subdepartment.  In an effort to build the bridge I include Hank in a large project I had upcoming (one which ultimately we did not follow through on, neither here nor there).  My part of the assignment was to create a power point presentation outlining a best case scenario of turn around and approval times for the applications needed.  What I prepared managed to surprise even me (that's a good thing).  Only to get there very nearly cost me my sanity...

Hank opted to object to nearly all the work I had done due to his lack of understanding the agency in question.  I tried to exhibit saintly patience as I repeated the regulations for the umpteenth time, but after spending 3 hours explaining the goal when I had allotted only 1 hour in my day for discussion I was wearing thin.  I attempted to escape the room for a toilet break and was told I couldn't leave.  After another 5 mins of conversation and feeling unsure now that I was correct I called in my supervisor.  She promptly ordered lunch for us as I had expressed how behind I was and I suggested going to retrieve my laptop so that Hank and I could start to make some forward progress.  At this point Hank tells me no...I giggle nervously thinking he has to be joking and so I try to express my rationale, but am cut off by a demand that I remain in the room until he understands my concept on my project which I already have a clear grasp of as confirmed by my supervisor.

Y'all, on another day, another time I likely would have stormed out the door slammed it behind him and maybe even cussed a bit on my way back to my desk...olive branch broken, but I was like a beaten dog.  I slunk my head down, slide back into the chair and went over the concept for another 2 hours!!  SAD!

Several days later I had a training workshop with our VP out of state.  I asked for some time to talk about the event with him.  I was calm and articulate, but made no bones about the notion that I had been treated not only unfairly, but inhumanely.  I expressed the waste of time and the extreme anger I had both at being treated that way and also in allowing myself to be treated that way.  The VP was in total agreement and the issue was quickly remedy including repremand for good old Hank.  That night the VP and went to dinner and had a rip roaring good time over some Japanese tepenyaki...the conversation, completely void of all things work related.  The new VP is just a genuinely good guy, volunteers at his church and for organizations, has a heart and a soul of gold, and is generous with his time and his words.  I was feeling like a much more valued staff member just having him on board.

In November, I was given a promotion.  I jumped not one, but two spots, which also made me feel very accomplished.  In December it was announced that several members of our department would be awarded for their work over the last year.  I was on that list.  Pretty amazing turn around for anyone who knows what a catch all (including catching hell) I was just a year ago!!  Today, I was given my award.  A lovely, and very heavy, glass statuette.  It might seem trite, but I'm just thrilled at all it represents!

In other news...I found my 2nd grey hair today :(  The first one was bad enough, but I wrote it off as a flook (read as: plucked the little SOB and pretended I never saw it), but the second one, well who can deny a SECOND one!!

grey hair, work

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