Watching My Habits - Part 2

Jul 20, 2008 17:49

It's been a couple of days, but here is the second part of my habit watching experiment. These are the annoying habits that I need to work on to really jump start my goal of getting into better shape.

1) Lack of Daily Exercise
I am a fairly active person. I am always running around at work getting things done, lifting boxes off shelves etc. I also play tennis every Sunday. The big problem I have is that I don't workout on a daily or semi daily basis. I always put it off and say that I don't have time or will put it off until later, which never happens. I don't have any issues with working out. I find it refreshing afterwards and find it to be a great stress reliever. My only issue is just going out and doing it! This is probably the easiest one to fix.

2) Snacking/sweet tooth

This has always been an issue with me. I've curbed the snacking habit at home, but at work it's a different story. Someone always buys candy or something that's not healthy and I'll munch on it. Not because I'm hungry, but because it's there! It's frustrating.

Working with a place that sells ice cream is bad too. I sample the ice cream too often. If I bring ice cream home, instead of getting a bowl of it, I've gotten into the bad habit of just eating out of the carton :/ I know there are alternatives to sweets, I just have to find them!

3) Lack of Sleep

My sleep schedule is messed up because of my work schedule. I close and stay up late one night and have to get up early the next. I stay up too late on the weekends hanging out with friends or playing video games. It has led to much less than the 7-8 hours that help me to feel refreshed at night. Work has already hurt my social life, so it's hard to balance in social life without sacrificing sleep.

fitness is a journey

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