Jun 04, 2007 13:45
I'm not as young as the day is long, but it goes without saying that I've seen my share of clients that have those final requests, The Perfect Day.
See here at Wolfram and Hart we don't exactly cater to the grandest of the grand. Not every client is actually worthy of the amount of assistance we can provide them when the long arm of the biased law comes down on them. As much as we love to boast our success rate for cases I am sorry to disappoint the masses and say that we do lose one now and then.
What I can say though is that those few cases that we lose, are generally contracted the right way so that those less than fortunate people don't exactly have to spend a single day serving hard time, well not prison at least.
There is always one little stipulation though, before we are allowed to "do with them as we please" one tiny little perk that they get and usually without fail it's one of those "The Perfect Day" scenarios. You know the piss poor notion that if they had only done things differently that they might have gotten a chance at the high school crush and ended up with some bullshit family.
Regardless, We here at Wolfram and Hart make arrangements and we grant them that one day of perfection before we lock them away in permanent storage or any number of holding dimensions that we have access to. Generally their perfect day though, unbeknown to most of them is held all in the confines of their own head. It's a simple procedure really, one psychic plus a really talented empath add in a nervous all fearing death phobic client and you have a mind that is willing to accept whatever little notion we plant in there.
From the moment the verdict comes in we've already initiated our protocol, which might explain that dazed slightly glassy expression that most of them have. They're already off somewhere living the dream. That night in their holding cell awaiting their sentencing they almost always seize up on us. Slight side effect of them not exactly wanting to let go of the dream. They know what's coming, and when it shows up they aren't a fan of giving in. The seizure leads to the coma, and in that state... well there is such a lovely thing as the Living Will, which we at Wolfram and Hart make sure all of our clients sign. We pull the plug and life for them... just ends.
Now the rumors of how many of our guilty clients never make it to hard time are out there, and I'll admit sometimes it's amusing to hear the prosecution whispering about the odds of the client ending up dead... it's a shame to have to hear that sort of talk, but the truth is? It'll happen. We'll make sure of it.
They'll die in that hospital bed, and then we'll just rip them from their own personal hell and slide them into one of our own. It's a simple process and all of our clients, even the ones that can afford to pay for the not-guilty verdict understand and support our practices.
It's all part of the contract, and all part of the job, and they do it all for a chance at that fucking perfect day.