[TM] 173 - Sacrificial Tribute Schedule Updates

Apr 23, 2007 12:45

To: [network:mail-list666]
From: Ryan Wolfe, Liaison to the Senior Partners [r.wolfe@WRH.net]
Subject: Sacrifices: Updated Schedule for 2007 Season
Date: 04-23-2007 09:56:23AM

Dear Current Subscriber to the Protection of the Senior Partners,

You may be unaware of just how important each and every one of you are, but I am here to let you know that you all matter, you all count, and you all have a change in your future. The change is directly related to how your Sacrifice and Homage payments are dealt with.

The standard practice for Sacrificial dealings has been the same for over a hundred years, and it has been a standard that we at Wolfram and Hart have grown accustomed to. However like most things that one gets used to doing a certain way, there always comes a time for change. Change is not foreign practice to us here at Wolfram and Hart, and I'd like to assure you that through this time of transitions I am here to help guide you along.

When you agreed to be loyal to The Senior Partners above all other institutions you should have been assigned a Sacrificial Profile. This is not changing, because simply the complex method in which your Rites for Passage have been chosen, along with frequency level of said Sacrifices are simply just not negotiable. Each of you have been told countless times the penalties for breaking out of your profile and offering something out of turn. This is extremely important to remember during this time of change.

Attached to this email you should find an updated Sacrificial Content Guidebook. In the past we have only offered a variety of Livestock, and first born children to be considered fit enough to be given to the Partners. However in this time of Environmental concerns and the multitude of sexually transmitted diseases, which for the most part we can take the praise for, that offspring have become a far rarer find. We understand that first born children are also sometimes required to continue your blood line, and far be it from Wolfram and Hart to cheat us out of a future loyal patron.

The schedule has been updated with what the firm in conjunction with The Senior Partners believe to be a step into new ground here in the Four thousandth and fiftieth year of our Triad.

Each month you should note that there are Themes listed along the top. This is non-negotiable. Each theme has been carefully selected by The Senior Partners and it is expected that you adhere to it fully. For this notification we will be using May as your example month. May is "Mexican Month", which has no translation other than the English meaning that you have already ascertained. Below the themed month you should see a list of items, each one listed with the corresponding Sacrificial Profile code beside it. You will note that those of you that are on a Level 1 Tribute schedule have a list of six items from - 'Chimichangas' to 'Tostadas' available for you to offer. Each of these items is to be hand prepared by you or a member of your Tribe, Clan, Family, and/or Slaves. All meat used is to be graded to the highest level of standards, and should not be anything you would not find worthy to the Senior Partners.

Each Sacrificial Profile Level does contain several options for each Tribute. Those of you in the top tiers of the Profile have more than four Rites to perform monthly, it is encouraged that you select your items carefully and avoid repeating the same items. Keep in mind that all of you are staggered out accordingly, and The Senior Partners enjoy variety as much as you would assume. Try to use any Telepathic links you might have to the outside world to discover what the previous Tribute was and plan accordingly.

All of the months following that are outlined with specific details regarding the Theme along with other items that you could prepare to grant you Special Privileges. This schedule will be valid until May of 2008, when a new one will be issued. Please remember that you are important, and your Patronage is always expected.

If you are still confused and would like further clarification, please sign up for our Spring Orientation Conference on Sunday May 13th, 2007. I will be there to assist you in untangling any questions you may have, or offering creative assistance.


Ryan Wolfe;
personal liaison to the Senior Partners
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