You call that art? Really?

Aug 31, 2013 18:07

I’ve been wanting to continue writing a journal for years but never have time. I’ve finally decided that something is better than nothing and that I will write whatever I can, even if it’s just a few sentences and it’s not all that deep or interesting. At least that way I will be able to look back and remember what I did and when because my memory sucks.

Last night we went to the Duluth Town Green to see The Ballybeg Band. It was free and I like Irish music. I enjoyed the performance and even bought the CD for $15. The plan was to start doing more free stuff to save money but oh well. I probably wouldn’t have bought it had I known it was $15 but I told the woman I wanted one before I saw the price (it was sort off to the side because she was packing up for the night) and would have felt stupid saying no thanks at that point. “The music was good but not $15 good.” Ha!

Today we went to the High Museum to see the Girl with a Pearl Earring exhibit before it closes. I love the Dutch masters so it was great to see. Not too crowded since most people were at Dragon Con, the Decatur Book Festival, or football/baseball games. Still somewhat crowded though.

It was Victor’s first ride on Marta. He was looking at everything and said people would think he’s my retarded brother. There were several Virginia Tech fans on the train on their way to the Virginia Tech/Alabama game, as Victor informed me. Because otherwise I would have wondered why Virginia Tech was playing in Atlanta. Part of the group was a father with his three sons and the younger two appeared to be about 10 and 12. At one stop more Virginia Tech fans got on and one of them looked at the father, pulled out a bottle of whiskey, and said something like, “Alright! You want a swig?” The father shook his headed (Victor and were trying not to laugh) and then the guy looked at the two younger boys. “No, no. You’re too young!” he said. Oh the interesting people on Marta.

On the ride back there were some people obviously coming from Dragon Con holding up some pretty large weapons - axes or something Medieval I don’t know the name for. They got stopped by the cops as they walked back through the parking lot. Guess you can’t bring big weapons on Marta but strange that they didn’t get stopped until they were out of the station. I thought they were fake but I hadn’t look closely. Guess they were real.

Soon we will head off to Dagwood’s to play trivia. William, Alayna, and J.P. are all at Dragon Con and Shannon is staying at Alayna’s apartment watching Trixie so it will just be the two of us. I wish we could see some of Dragon Con but I just don’t want to spend the money this year. The parade is free but so early! One year I will force myself to get up early and go see it but it wasn’t this year. We couldn’t even make it to the 1 p.m. guided tour at the High Museum.

Those audio tours the museum offers are annoying. Annoying to those not taking them because it results in large groups of people crowding around certain paintings at one time, making it very difficult to view it or read the description. You’ve got to stand behind the people and wait for the audio thing to finish.

There was also an annoying man who seemed to be following us. Not really but we couldn’t get away from him. He was loudly explaining to his companion what each painting was about. Like she couldn’t read for herself? She didn’t appear to be blind. We escaped from the Girl with a Pearl Earring exhibit and went downstairs to an exhibit on drawings down by local artists. Guess who followed us down there? I know museums aren’t libraries but there is no reason to talk as loud as he was. The downstairs exhibit was relatively empty and his voiced just echoed all the more.

We also went up to the top floor and briefly looked at the modern art wing. Blah! While some of the painting were o.k. I really can’t how most of them can be considered art. A canvas painted completely white (or red or green) cut into a geometric shape? Black paint thrown on a bunch of mirrors? A TV placed down on top of an Oriental rug? Really? I just can’t understand how the museum would pay money for any of this. Why don’t I just stick a pot on a placemat and call it art? Or throw some random paint on a canvas. Would the museum pay me for that?
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