Nov 05, 2008 09:50
Holy motherfucking crap. My none too eloquent thoughts are just that. It still doesn't feel real.
I began election night at Marita's. We got there at 8 and enjoyed beer and wings and I still refused to believe what was going on on TV. We talked about the election and it was unreal. Obama's list of states grew and Anderson Cooper continued to look hunky.
We left around 10 with CNN reporting something around 194 to 135. Sitting in my living room with all my wonderful roommates we watched the election. We talked about what was going on and Obama gained more ground. I still didn't believe it. I still was expecting some mistake or at least for McCain to win something.
I was getting emotional. All the newscasters and experts started talking about how McCain was going to lose. No way. Even his friends were saying this. I started telling my roommates that I thought I might cry if Obama was elected. I looked down at my computer screen and the next second I look up and I just said quietly, "What the fuck? Is this a joke?"
"Obama declared president!" CNN was saying. I thought it was some War of the Worlds prank. My roommates caught on. It happened in an instant. Sarah tells us to change the channel to see if it's real. I was on every station. CNN, CBS, BBC, ABC. We watched FOX a bit and the expressions on those Republican faces were priceless. And I couldn't cry because it didn't seem real.
But I cried once I talked to my mom who was crying about his grandmother. And I cried thinking about it later and waiting for his speech. And I cried a lot during his speech because it was an incredible speech and for the first time in my life I'm not cynical about the US. A fucking landslide? Woah. And young people, and women and people of color have power and this election is proof. We really can change things if we get up off our asses and do something.
Anna said she wished she were at a bar last night, but I didn't. There was something iconic about being gathered around the TV and having it not sink in because the group was far off. I just can't believe it. I'm still nervous, but now I'm also excited.
But what the fuck California? How could you vote for Obama and still vote for 8? You guys fucking suck. People who voted yes on 8 won't even realize what they did. They won't realize because their vote won't affect them or their heterosexual marriages at all. I can't believe people would be so selfish as to deny others rights and have it done through a constitutional amendment. What will happen to Ellen and Portia?