Let the Gift-Grabbing Begin!

Sep 07, 2008 21:04

Sleazin's Greetings! Welcome to the 2008 edition of the Good Omens Holiday Exchange. Whether you're a grizzled old vet or the shiniest newbie, we hope you'll enjoy getting your holiday wishes granted and playing Santa for someone else.

Some of our procedures have changed slightly. Please read the rules in the user-info, and then turn your attention to the signup form behind the cut.

Last year, we had serious problems with the LJ-poll format. The text boxes had shrunk so much many people could not give detailed enough information. We've also decided to go with public prompts, in the hopes of inspiring and delighting folks who might start salivating over requests already made. Don't worry, the identities of gift creators will still be kept a surprise!

Please copy and paste this handy form into the comments.

Email address:
Will you be giving fic, art, or both?
What characters/pairings do you prefer to receive?

What rating of fic/art would you like to receive? (You can specify or leave it up to the author/artist's discretion, or lack thereof as the case may be)

Elements you would like to have in your gift: (Plot bunnies, themes, characters, settings, kinks, etcetera)

Elements you do not want in your gift: (Squicks, characters or genres or themes you don't care for)

What rating of fic/art would you like to create? (You can specify how smutty you're willing to go, or insist on your complete creative freedom, you rebel angel, you.)

Elements/characters/pairings/themes you would like to write or draw:

Elements/characters/themes you do not want to write or draw:

Willing to beta?

Willing to pinch-hit? (that is, step in to create a gift if needed to cover for a flakout. Volunteers should be fairly flexible in what they're able to create.)

Signups will close on the Autumn Equinox, September 22, and gifts will be due on November 15.


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