The Great Stats Post

Jan 05, 2008 20:33

For those who are interested, here's how the stats break down:

2005: 48 total gifts produced and given by 44 unique artists and authors

2006: 66 total gifts produced and given; 9 people created more than one gift, 3 people joined as pinch-hitters

2007: 74 total gifts produced and given; 4 people created more than one gift (1); 4 people joined as pinch-hitters (2); 4 people entirely failed to thank their gifters; and 7 people flaked (3) out of 75 original participants (about 10%). The non-thankers and flakes are thus banned from participating next year.

And: 11 people have participated in all three exchanges so far.


1. Many thanks to refche, emerald_embers, googlebrat, and quantum_witch

2. Many thanks to sticktothestory, xylodemon, eldanis, and violet_quill

3. People who dropped out officially with notification are not classed as flakes, so don't panic! If you're really not sure, e-mail us privately at goodomens_exchange (at) gmail (dot) com and we'll be glad to let you know which category you fall under.

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