Title: Every Damn Year
Gift for:
pastelmiceGift from:
nomnomnimPairing: Aziraphale and Crowley
Rating/Warnings: G. No Warnings.
Prompt: 'Crowley/Aziraphale; Aziraphale's having some trouble with his telephone
(and miracling technology to work properly isn't exactly his forte), so he decides to try to contact Crowley through his television set. As he looks out from the television in Crowley's apartment, he sees...something. (Nothing sexually explicit please, but otherwise, whatever you think would make an interesting story.) G-PG13'
Artist Notes: I apologise for getting it in my head to ruin this with colour, and for the lack of consistency in the drawings. If it helps, think of this as a visual Christmas cracker joke; a bit iffy and makes you groan.
Happy Holidays,
pastelmice, from your Secret Artist!