I've picked up a bunch of new readers round these parts recently, so I figured it was about time I did a "General Guide to the
gnomiverse" type of post. I'm not sure I've ever done one of these before, so some of the folks who have been around here for a long time might find stuff they didn't know, either (though I'm not sure).
Things One Should Know About
-- I'm originally from Burlington, Massachusetts.
-- I have the following relatives that hang out on LJ with varying levels of regularity:
mabfan (my husband),
lcmlc (my mother),
beckyfeld (my sister), and
osewalrus (my brother-in-law, married to
-- There are folks on my friends list who I have known since elementary school or even before.
-- I am a word nerd and an inveterate punster. I wrangle words professionally, both as a technical writer and as a freelance editor.
-- I'm an Orthodox Jew, and I have been known to yammer on about obscure Jewish topics here.
-- I knit (a lot), I sew (less than I used to, but still a decent amount), and I'm getting into beading.
-- I have an inexplicable love of penguins.
-- I have a standing
policy on icons in comments.
-- My life is one long musical cue. Anything and everything is a prompt for me to break out in song (or, as it manifests itself here periodically, in random lyrics), and I'm hugely susceptible to
earworms. (not to be confused with
ear mites, to which Yofi, the cat in my default icon, was susceptible.)
Recurring Features in the
-- "No, Really, We Talk Like This" (oddball conversations, usually between
mabfan and me)
-- Language-related polls
-- Menu planning (usually for Shabbat (the Sabbath) or Jewish holidays)
-- Rambly Bits (catchall posts of stuff I've been thinking about that don't merit their own posts)
As a couple of people have pointed out, "Narf" is always an appropriate response to a question I ask.