Which fic roped you in?

Dec 02, 2009 16:43

accioslash has a happy-making discussion where she asks how we discovered fandom. I know some of you have already shared over there (&hearts!), but for everybody else: how did you get here? Make your own post if you'd rather meme it. :)

Most of the time I still feel new, but after five or six years I guess I'm not brand new anymore. I can't remember the first fic I ever read, just that I didn't get hooked immediately, because there was a stretch of time between learning about fic and loving fic.

So, if not the first fic I ever read, then the first that stuck with me, that cinched this whole fandom thing for me, was Till Break of Day by miraminx [HP, Snape/Harry, explicit, 17,000 words. Harry and Snape *slowly* figure out how to have a relationship after Harry leaves Hogwarts.] With the Microsoft Office Assistant paperclip assistant quill and the full-length mirror conjured to hover at the foot of the bed.

This was 2004 and I'd already been reading porn on the internet for... years. A decade? Oh god. But that was, well, you know how the smut is out there in the wilds. It was generally dire and woman-hating and racist and not the sort of thing that leaves you feeling good about yourself. And I was already a fan of the Harry Potter books, and I was dabbling in fannish things on my own, like building a Hogwarts-themed video game fan mission.

But porn PLUS characters I love? That's two great tastes that taste great together!

Also, probably another reason that fandom grabbed me as hard as it did, when it did, is that I'd been sober for just a year at that point. Addiction is fucking excruciating. And fic can work like a fix. Intense emotional satisfaction without* all the horribly self-destructive side-effects.

* Um, mostly. Very nearly almost entirely without.

ALSO also, I found fandom as a community deeply attractive. A creative community full of women and queer people. Often both, AT THE SAME TIME. Whereas most of the other places in my life have been full of men and straight people, often both at the same time.

ILU. What's the fic (art, vid, etc.) that you first remember?

This entry was originally posted at http://gnatkip.dreamwidth.org/6128.html. If you feel moved to comment, please do so there:

ilu fandom, questions, fandom: harry potter, rl, recs: fic, on being a reader of fic, hey there's my navel

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