Speaking in tongues

Oct 25, 2008 09:55

Dad: When you say that you're not doing well in English and you say you need tutoring, it upsets me.


Sure. You've memorised 5000 characters in Chinese, and you can speak 3 dialects of chinese, vietnamese, thai and english.

Learning English was a fucking walk in the park for you.

It's understandable that your children, who've only learnt one language, english, should excel at the subject.

Nothing about English is hard, not in comparison with the 4 different alphabets you had to learn, the 6 different tongues you speak, nor the amount you've had to memorise.

Therefore, your children must be stupid and inferior.

But you're not upset. Not at all.

What my father doesn't seem to get is that we're not him. We haven't gone through the same experience, so you can't compare the two. Ability to some extent IS hereditary, but its also the experiences you've had that shape that ability. You can't expect the same outcomes that you've put out of us unless you cart us off to some south east asian country when we're sixteen, where learning the language is necessary for survival.
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