May 31, 2003 16:41
Alright, I should be changing the laundry while I write this, and I will in a moment. However, beofre I do that I should write a journal entry. Class thus far has been truth tables and digital logic stuff. AND gates, OR gates, NAND gates, NOR gates, SR flip flops, T flip flops, D flip flops, Encoders, Decoders, Counters, Registers, RAM and ROM. Thus far it has been pretty basic. In a few weeks we'll be desining our own processors, which will fairly intresting... However, it seems silly, because we will never get cause/opertunity to have them built.
Have been playing in the garden, dragging rocks all over, and such... I have sucessfully requisitioned a corrner of the yard where things have refused to grow due to lack of light... I am going to plant furns, put up trellises (perhaps with an Ivy of some sort), and put in benches... I want a small stream, and fountan, but they will be building a sound barrier behind our house, and that would mean they may be annexing or leaning more of land (which means they may tear out some/all of what I put in that area.... :\
Ayo will be trying his hand at RIFTS, which would be more fun if I could get a few other players... In anycase it should still be fun. Work is still just work... my numbers have droped a little bit lately, and I think it is the new place... Not being next to Nate, and not have any real compitions going on with anyone. I blanked, for the first time in a long time... Anywho, I need to be on my game tomarrow. And I NEED to get compettitive.