History notes

May 28, 2009 21:03

I have started a daily "column" on colgaffneyis e-mail list. I try to find something significant/interesting/entertaining/whatever on that day in history in the space-time region our group works with. Here is what I have so far, HTMLified, edited, and updated, e.g. I added the period cartoon for today's entry after I had posted it to the list.

The first entry I actually posted was for May 19. So in my first 10 days at this I have written about

  • A declaration of war
  • A battle
  • Two major atrocities
  • Two prominent executions.
That is the way the world was. On the positive side, I hope to mention Newton, Galileo, Kepler, Napier and other scientists and mathematicians as the appropriate days come up.

tactics, math, astronomy, history, 30 years war, clann, highlanders, scotland

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