Vegas Girl

May 12, 2005 13:03

Every year, where I work, has a company party that they give out free wine, do a show, give out awards for best whatever, then have a huge chocolate fountain, and a whole lot of fruit. It's a great time to visit everyone, and I'm usually in the show. Last year was river dancing. This year..... Vegas girls. Now...I wish they would tell us these things BEFORE we sign up. Oh well, we were mostly covered. No bikini tops or anything, but really big feather hair pieces. My legs are sore from all the kicking, but it was fun.

Life is going good right now....
Kids - everyone is going to school (I think, it seems I'm always the last to know), Michelle is almost off grounding. The 2 older ones want to come to Myrr & Sgain's party..... I'm not sure yet if I want them to be there.
TJ - is doing amazingly well, I'm so proud of him. He's eating well, committed to the excercise. He'll be in shape in no time. We'll see if he's allowed to fight at Sealion. I don't know how comfortable I am with that.
Dog - I wuv my Denver!!!!
Scholars - I've decided to make male garb instead of female garb. Fanny's is going out of business, and I found this FABULOUS wool(ish) stuff for hose for TJ, and I think there's enough to make a great surcoat for camping FOR ME!!!! It's so fuzzy, and warm. I might have to get's only $2.00/m and it's 30% off!!!! I didn't get the stuff I wanted to finished, but I'm working on a pair of braies for TJ. Anyone know if there's a seam at the side leg????
Garb - Sgain has decided he wants Lantzknecht (sp). I'm thinking of making it out of cotton, just because of the price, and it will breath way easier then anything fake (God, I'm such a fabric snob). Can anyone give me advice on how to make the slashes, so that they don't fray???? What did they do in period? Bias? Was there a medieval equivalent to "fray check"??? I also got quite a bit of the wool(ish) stuff for Emily to make some apron dresses, and a Norse coat. She should be good for the year. life in a nut shell.... No one has been brought home by the police, I know where everyone is, and they are all relatively healthy. Not so bad!!!!
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