Night of the Gays

Jun 17, 2006 11:39

Last night I saw MARGARGET CHO! Yes, THE Margarget Cho. What can I say? She was hilarious! Some new material of course on our current political times, and she did some old classics. Asian chicken salad? And... ASSMASTER!!!! My goodness, it was doubly funny for me. One in that it was hilarious, and two because it made me think of all those times when we would watch her movies and just have such a blast, and all the jokes she thereafter inspired in my friend group. (To this day! Sassmaster!) One of my favorite lines was this: "I think women have to be curvey to be sexy. Really really thin women like, don't even have a vagina. Like Kate Moss. Ya see? She had one, but she forgot to feed it and it died!" Yessss. When Margaret made some reference to serotonin in one of her rants, all of us cog sci kids started cheering extra loud- "We know what that is!! She's so right!!" Yay brains.

Ok so this is my entourage for the rest of the night. Peter- gay handsome Austrian. Pooja- cute curvy Indian lesbian. Reid- half Chinese MIT frat boy. Andrea- non-blonde California party girl. Mark- lacrosse player party boy. Everyone is really fun and smart and great.

Everyone piles in my car and we head to the gay club. Oh yeah, there were drinks at the comedy club, so all the kids are a little tipsy. Reid drunk dials all his friends and takes bet on how many drinks he can get bought for him at the gay club. Peter and Pooja get into fake baby-momma fights "My baby's daddy proVIIIIIDES for me and my baby. He's GOOOOOOOOOLD!" Umm, hilarious. Then some yo momma jokes, orgasm jokes, and then somehow Peter starts singing The Little Mermaid songs, and before I know it, to my delight and horror, everyone is singing disney songs. Through downtown Pittsburgh. And all the windows are down. Oh god.

It took us a while to find the club, so we contemplated going to the furry convention instead. Luckily we found it. The bar was gated off from the main section, so 19 year old Reid couldn't get drinks bought for him. Oh man, we had SO much fun! SOOO much fun! Between dancing and the workout I did that morning, I can barely move without cringing right now!

The other interns are great! Everyone is surprized and how cool everyone turned out to be. We all thought the others would be really geeky. So our plan is to all get our PhDs in the field so we can party together at conferences for the next 40 years.

Party at my place tonight! Should be a trip. I need to go on adventures to procure enough beer and spirits!!!

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