It has been a long day. Today was the day that we all ventured out to Kowloon Tong for my brother's graduation ceremony. And then even further, to Wan Chai, for his graduation banquet.
At the banquet there was a very touching graduation video thingy done by the grads. Each graduate got to choose a song for their segment of the video. One girl chose I Hope You Dance. It made me realize that I haven't gotten drunk in way too long. I mean ... I need to get drunk. You know, hanker down, drink a lot, have a good cry. I am hurting for that right now.
All they have in Hong Kong is Stella Artois. It's either that or Heinie, Carlsberg, or my pick of Japanese, UK, and Chinese imports. So. Stella. I guess at less than $20 HKD (that's less than $3 CAD) for two bottles, I shouldn't complain ...
Anyway, to the point. Check out this awesome picture we took today. It was my father's idea to recreate this picture we took five years ago in the same spot, before I went back to Canada for university.
THEN ...
Fucking awesome. OK, I'm done now. Back to my beer.