Fic: I'll take you... to the fair! (1/?)

Oct 30, 2010 22:53

Fandom: Ace Attorney
Summary: Based on Croik's series "I'll take you", this is a reworking of a failed piece of coursework of mine (Recycling old stories = win!) Klavier offers to take Apollo to the fair. No spoilers in this chapter :)
Pairing: Apollo/Klavier
Warnings: None whatsoever, except for tooth-rotting candy floss fluff.

"I'll take you."

Those 3 words echoed around Apollo's head as he wandered around the fairground, spoken with the voice of a certain prosecutor with a very strong German accent.

Apollo had never been to the fair before. He'd always wanted to go, ever since he was a small child. When he was young, he'd dreamt of the day he would go on every single ride, imagining the exhilaration and thrill of the adrenaline surge he'd gain by whizzing along the track of a small rollercoaster, the screams he'd emit when he was being whirled around on a traditional, old fashioned carousel and of course, the beauty of the view he would witness from atop the grand ferris wheel. Well, that was until his accident. However, even though he now would be too scared to go on the rides, he still wanted to go and experience the excitement of the fair and soak up the atmosphere.

So, understandably, Apollo couldn't contain his excitement when he saw a flyer for a travelling fairground just outside of Los Angeles as he was picking Trucy up from one of her shows at the Wonder Bar one night. As soon as they had calmed down from their post flyer reading elation, they had agreed to go together on the following Thursday, as the fair was in town for one night only.

However, when the Thursday morning of the fair visit arrived, Trucy didn't come to the office. When questioned by Apollo about Trucy's absence, Mr. Wright said that Trucy had been sick that morning and didn't feel up to leaving her room. After determining that it was nothing serious, Apollo tried to contain his disappointment but, failed. He'd been excited all week about going to the fair, and it just seemed typical that it was that particular day that Trucy had fallen ill.

Apollo spent the rest of the day racking his brains trying to think of someone who would go to the fair with him. He really didn't want to go alone. He would've asked Mr. Wright to go with him, but he remembered what Trucy had told him of her Daddy's last trip on a ferris wheel and he thought it would be better if he didn't put two people who were afraid of heights together in the vicinity of high rides.

Apollo pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and scrolled through the numbers in his phone book. Gotcha!

Ring ring, Ring ring, Ring ring


"Hello? Munch Munch Munch" The voice on the other end was abrupt, and Apollo could hear the munching of Snackoos down the phone.

"Hi, Ema! It's Apollo."

"Oh, hi Polly. How's it going?"

"Not so good" Apollo sighed, trying to gain sympathy from the obviously irritated detective.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, Trucy and I were going to go to the travelling fair tonight but she's stuck at home ill and I don't really want to go on my own"

"Ah, I see what you're getting at. Sorry Apollo, I can't come with you tonight. That glimmerous fop some people call my boss completely messed up some of his paperwork and I have to stay after work tonight and correct it. Seriously, what kind of prosecutor can't even fill out his own paperwork properly?" Ema sighed dramatically in exasperation. "Another time, yeah?"

"Oh, okay" Apollo didn't even bother to try and mask his disappointment this time. "Yeah, another time. I'll let you get back to work then. Bye, Ema."

"I'm sorry, I really am. Blame the fop's incompetence. See you later Munch munch munch"

Apollo pressed the red 'End call' button on his phone and placed it on his desk. I really don't want to go on my own, but I guess I'll have to now

"I'll take you"

Apollo nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of the heavily accented voice. He swivelled around on his chair, only to be greeted by a blonde haired, rock star prosecutor.

"To the fair, that is." Klavier laughed at the stunned expression on the brunette's face. "Please pardon my eavesdropping, I came here to drop off this case file," he waved the folder he was carrying in his hand at Apollo before dropping it on the glass coffee table adjacent to him, "and I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I'm assuming you still want to go, ja?"

"Yeah, I do." Apollo was stunned, to say the least.

"Cool, I'll pick you up from your apartment at 7. Auf Wiedersehen!"


Apollo approached a stall selling sweet treats and gazed longingly at the pink candy floss in front of him being swirled onto a white stick. He turned to the man standing next to him.

"I'm gonna get some candy floss, do you want some?"

"Nein, danke. I grown quite attached to my teeth and I'd rather not dissolve them in copious amounts of sugar." Klavier shot a dazzling, tooth bearing smile at Apollo, stressing his point. "I'm going to go and get a hot dog though, I'll see you back here in a minute"

"Okay then, see you in a minute." Apollo watched Klavier walk into the crowd in search of a burger stand before turning back to the man behind the candy stall.

"Candy floss, sir?"

"Yes, one please." Apollo dug his hand into his pocket in search of his wallet. As he pulled the leather case out to retrieve a one dollar bill, he glanced at his watch. 9:27. Wow, those two hours have just flown by...


Apollo paced up and down his living room, waiting for his ride to arrive. He glanced at his watch. 7:08pm. What's taking him so long?

On the dot of 7:09, Apollo heard a knock on the door. He all but ran to open it and he swung the door open with such force that he saw the man standing before him flinch and nearly drop one of the two motorcycle helmets he was holding.

"Hallo Herr Forehead, sorry I'm late, I got caught up at work. I came straight over here from there," he gestured to his usual work attire, black leather trousers, a black shirt and his trademark purple jacket, with studded leather gloves thrown on for good measure, "and just as I was about to leave, the Fräulein Detective stormed towards me and started throwing those snacks at me, shouting about some ‘improperly filled out paperwork' or something." Klavier shrugged, obviously not knowing what Ema was referring to. "It took me about 10 minutes to comb all of those things out of my hair!"

Apollo laughed inwardly at the thought of Klavier dragging his fingers through his hair frantically, trying to rid himself of the barrage of Snackoos that Ema had thrown at him. "Ah, it's okay. Let me just grab my coat and we'll get going."

Apollo leaned over to the coat hooks on the wall next to the door, grabbing a hip length, grey fleecy jacket, which Klavier thought looked rather familiar.

"I borrowed this from Mr. Wright," Apollo stated, as if reading Klavier's mind, "I knew it would be cold tonight and I don't have a proper coat so I thought I'd steal this and layer up." Los Angeles had been experiencing a rare cold snap recently, with temperatures being way lower than they usually were in December, dropping as low as -5 degrees centigrade during the night in the hills.

Apollo put on the oversized jacket and looked again at Klavier's attire. "Are you sure you won't get too cold in just that?"

"I grew up in Germany, Herr Forehead. I'm used to the cold," Klavier leaned forward with his hands on his hips, smiling, "despite my fabulous tan."

Apollo rolled his eyes and stepped forward towards the door. "Fine then, let's go."

Just as Apollo was about to close the door and step out into the hallway however, Klavier thrust a crash helmet out at him.

"Put this on, I don't want to end up having to scrape your brains off the road when you come flying off my bike as I go around a corner too fast."

Apollo's face suddenly changed, his usual determined expression turning into one of horror and disgust. "But... But! My hair! I don't want to flatten it! I spent ages gelling these up!"

"Don't be such a drama queen, Herr Forehead. I'm sure you'd rather have flat hair than a smashed in skull, nein?"

"Hmph, I suppose..." Apollo dragged his hand over his spikes, flattening them, before running over to the mirror in his living room to check out his hair minus the demonic spikes he usually never went out without.

After a moment of fiddling with stray strands of hair, Apollo ran into his bedroom, grabbed a nearly empty tub of hair gel, slipped it into the large pocket at the front of Phoenix's borrowed hoodie and returned to Klavier standing at the front door, looking defeated. "Does my hair look okay to you?"

Klavier admired Apollo's spikeless appearance, and he had to say, it was an improvement. His hair looked tousled and slightly dishevelled, making him look more youthful and trendier than when he was sporting his usual hairdo. "I think it looks better, if anything. It draws less attention to your massive forehead."

Apollo rolled his eyes, choosing to ignore the backhanded compliment. He took the helmet off Klavier and placed it carefully over his head, trying not to make his hair even messier than it already was. "I'll sort it out when I get there, I've got my hair gel with me."

"Fine. The hog awaits, mein Forehead, let us go!"


Apollo started fiddling with his hastily styled spikes using his free hand, the other being occupied by a large ball of bright pink candy floss. After he had handed over the money and thanked the man for his sweet treat he turned around and saw Klavier bounding back over towards him, a massive grin plastered on his face and eyes wide in child-like excitement.

"Look at the size of my sausage, baby!"

As Klavier held up a footlong hot dog in front of Apollo's face, Apollo tried to suppress a giggle but failed miserably and within moments, the two lawyers were doubled over laughing, not caring about the strange looks they were receiving from other people walking past.

Once they had regained their composure, Apollo spoke. "Let's go for a wander around while we eat, we might find somewhere to sit down."

Comments will make me a very happy fangirl! :D

fanfiction, gyakuten saiban, apollo justice, phoenix wright, fluff, klavier gavin, ace attorney

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