Well, since I've been meaning to update for like, oh, 2 months, I guess now is as good of a time as any...
Life's been both busy and quiet at the same time... There's been lots of sitting around and playing Pokemon - both Black and VDex - and a lot of changes...
There's something big brewing, a good thing, but it's not settled yet so I don't want to talk about it quite yet. Saving the good news for when it's offical ^_^ or the bad news for when it's offical :/
I'm done looking after the Dude :( a bit of a bummer, but I kinda saw it comming... he'll be in 5th grade next year and I know with his learning dissabilities he's gonna need more help - more than I can give him, so I figured they'd switch him over to a part/full time afterschool tutor, but I didn't think they'd do it now, but it's in his best intrest so I'm not angry... plus he's started seeing a shrink about his jealousy and coping skills (or lack there of)... yeah, he's still not handling the 'new little brother thing' very well. So his mom is coming home early every day now so they can have some one on one time... which renders me useless... and keeps the poor lil guy at daycare for a long time :( but I ran into my friend (the mom) at the store the other day (ok, I saw her car in the parking lot and hunted her down :/ but shhhh, nobody neeeds to know that) and she said the the lil guy keeps asking about me and that once things settle with them we'll get together and we can hang out ^_^ I miss them. I miss them like crazy. :(
Clothing store job been nonexistant, but I've picked up another job at a home improvement store and it's been so far so good... I'm in the paint deparntment, which sees a lot of action, but it's all common sense stuff and we only have two isles (plus a lil bit of caulking, pffft, somebody else can deal with that) an I'm liking it. It'll take some time to intergrate myself with the folks in the department, but hopefully once they realize I'm not an idiot and can be self suficient they'll chill... they're very... high maintence... *shrugs* oh well, as long as I don't spill anything, I think 'll be ok ^_^ (seriously, they treat a spill like it's the end of the world O_O omg, get a grip people, that's what paper towels are for!)
my cousin had her baby!! a little girl, so cute, I hope I have time to go visit, or if not, that 4th of July hurries up and gets here ^_^
done with skiing... my last day out was a trip to a big mountian with the cousins and their parents. They did SUCH a great job and we had a lot of fun and I'll post piccys once I all of this winter's pics off my camera and onto Lappy.... I need to send them to my aunt too, I should do that soon *sweatdrop* OH and video of me snowboarding ^_^
uhhhhh, haven't been writing. Plot's not dead dead, but not exiting the brain... *sigh* I wish the communtiy was more active... or that the anime was still running, that's a big influence for me at least...
hahaha, the cat flings herself at the door to get our attention and it's funny as hell! the others just kind of paw at the door, but the little one doesn't get it or something, so it's funny watching her flail all over the door *snickers* awww, nope, you can stay out there little kitty!