only two weks of camp left, YAY!!!!!
I miss my old assistant, my new one broke one of my card readers and isn't cool like my buddy who was make of awesomecakes. and I gave her a cupcake yesterday, cuz we had extra from free choice. AND I gave her an iTurtle, cuz she really liked my iDog. now her lil bro is jealous xD
I caught up with my anime last night.. yumeiro patessire and heartcatch precure. YP is about a girl who loves to eat sweets and goes off to pastiry school even though she doesn't know how to bake X_X but she learns and never gives up and makes friends and becomes miss popular and goes to france and they have fairies... it's cute and fun. Heartcatch is kinda-like Sailor Moon, but more bright and colorful and the warriors (???? idk what else to call them!) aren't named after planets, though they have some super moves and redundant actions to save the victims... though in the middle of the saving one, they spin this spinny part of the wand... it's kinda an upgrade from the SM "stand and wave" proceedure, but it's also kinda lame, couldn't they of thought of something better? they look silly >_< but I like it regardless. I'm actually waiting for the next eppy to be uploaded as I type.
I played HG at camp on thursday... because there was nothing else to do :( I've got such an easy schedual and activity, yet I'm ALWAYS exhausted. and at work we are getting the renovation, so now I just have to wait and see if they change our pay from hourly to commission... so I may be job hunting soon.
and I've been thinking about the next part of Focus... I just have so much to put into it that i don't know where to start... which is why I haven't written anything. that and no time. but I do want to start finish and I haven't forgotten about your ficcy Al! it's in the broiler, getting all crispy and juicy ^_^