Random Thoughts...

Sep 20, 2006 16:12

Nadia is 4 months old today. She had her first fever last week, and she survived! (without tylenol, i might add!)
She rolls hither, thither, and yon;and she kinda scoots around, but hasn't coordinated to crawling quite yet... she appears to have acquired the regional allergies/ mom's sinus stuff. she's about 17 lbs and 27 inches. she laughs like crazy when Daddy gives her kisses.(i think it's partly the goatee)

We are trying to get a house. Once again the barrier leads back to sandy. D's ex-wife. For some reason the arrears on child support (much of which is for time that liz lived with D) is now listed as a lien, and not as debt. so it seems we will have to somehow take care of that before we can get a loan to get a house. which we need by nov 30. or we have to rent again...yuck

(someday i will post more about the sandy situation..just not now....)

nadia, house, etc

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