7x18 Comment-fic Meme

Apr 01, 2012 11:57

Hello! lazy-daze and I have decided that the time for comment-fic is now. In this past episode, Sam and Dean get shwasted Dean says, "I miss these talks." However, we do not see said talk on-screen.


http://glovered.livejournal.com/69377.html">http://i.imgur.com/PU5jY.jpg" border="0">

(you know how this works)

1. Be Nice To Each Other.

2. Prompts should in some way have to do with Sam and Dean drinking together, things covered in this scene, or things they haven't talked about in a while or something? I don't care too much, tbh.

3. Use any and all characters you want! (RPF welcome so long as it pertains to this scene)

4. Art is also welcome, of course.

5. Prompt with abandon and fill things, too!

Sam forgets how his inhibitions are lowered and really does tell Dean everything Hallucifer used to say, including the lewd comments about Dean. by runedgirl

Sam usually would never agree to let Dean fuck him in a back alley behind a bar but hey, he's drunk and so is Dean and it seems like a really good idea right now. by juice817

This kind of sloppy, wet making out is really good. And, it turns out, Sam is a mouthy, filthy little fucker when he's horny and wasted. by lazy-daze

Sam, Dean, and some drunk baking. I would imagine a lot more of the food would end up on the floor rather than in the oven, though. (first fill) by bertee

Sam, Dean, and some drunk baking. I would imagine a lot more of the food would end up on the floor rather than in the oven, though. (second fill) by glovered

There are a number of reasons they mututally agreed that getting drunk together was a bad idea. But Sam had sort of forgotten the exact kind of bad idea it was until the words 'body shots' came up. by runedgirl

The problem is, when Dean gets drunk he thinks all Sam's ideas are smart. Even when they're really, really not. by de-nugis

"My lips feel numb, Dean. Are your lips numb? Mine are really numb." by afattribble

Sam's big brother knows everything there is to know about anything. Also, he's always right. Also, all his ideas are flawless and need implementing. Immediately. by orbiting_saturn

Sam drunkenly decides it's time to confess that he dug Dean's amulet out of the trash can two years ago after Dean rashly discarded it. by verucasalt123

Sam is an affectionate, grabby, earnest drunk, all big dreams and world peace and "I just...I feel like everyone should just get along, Dean, y'know?" by tiptoe39

Dean goes on a tangent about Castiel's mouth. ...Dean slurs a bit and says something along the lines of "Christ, those fucking lips." by bertee

Filming scenes like this is a real hardship. (rpf?) by novella34

Sam gets climby when he's drunk, and Dean mostly follows him around in a grumpy stumble to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. by akadougal

Dean decides baby bro is old enough to have a beer. He didn't know it would hit him so hard. by obstinatrix

Dean decides to refill his flask with that awesome, and really expensive-looking, booze. He leaves the flask out, forcing ghost!Bobby to witness whatever shenanigans ensue. by salacious_newt

Sam gets all handsy and affectionate when he's drunk. Dean's too drunk to remember why he's not supposed to enjoy that. by lavishsqualor

Sam gets REALLY horny when drunk. It's a problem. by orbiting_saturn

Well isn't this just the prettiest mental picture that ever was! by glovered

drunk!Sam obsesses about Dean's freckles. Dean will have none of it, thank you, his freckles are not cute or pretty or precious, they are rugged and manly. (fill one!) by glovered

drunk!Sam obsesses about Dean's freckles. Dean will have none of it, thank you, his freckles are not cute or pretty or precious, they are rugged and manly. (fill two!) by oddishly

Tell me if I miss any, and have a good day!

fic, comment fic meme, j2, is this real life, spn

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