Hello, this meme stolen from
clex_monkie89 and
desertport. Pick a date during December that hasn't been used yet and give me a topic, and I'll ramble on. It can be anything from fandom-related to life-related, to whatever you want.
December 3:
Time Travel for
meesasometimesDecember 4:
The story of my first fandom love for
citrusjavaDecember 5:
dreams, the ones that came true and the ones that I'm still trying to make true for
secretlytodreamDecember 6:
Snow for
peachpaiDecember 7:
Headcanon time! A moment in Sam Winchester's childhood when he felt very smug and well-pleased with himself. :3 (Alternately: A time when robo!Sam felt very smug and well-pleased with himself. XD ) for
applegeuseDecember 8:
Book(s) that I have cherished -- maybe read them so much the cover or spine wore off. for
harriganDecember 9:
December 10:
December 11:
December 12:
My absolute favourite thing to do for
amber1960December 13:
Kevin for
de_nugisDecember 14:
Favorite place I've ever been and why. Place I'm dying to go, and why, for
aerynsun5December 15:
My pets for
berteeDecember 16:
December 17:
The topic of faithgrowsold for
faithgrowsoldDecember 18:
Hidden or weird talents you have for
sagetanDecember 19:
Three things you really like about your life or strange things that make you happy for
collsDecember 20:
What's your favorite concert memory for
lesson_in_loveDecember 21:
Favorite subject in high school! for
desertportDecember 22:
Your favorite and least favorite thing about writing for
akintayDecember 23:
how do I take my coffee for
wendyDecember 24: Louis and Chad's love for the world
December 25:
My philosophy (such as it is) of gift-giving and gift-receiving for
deirdre_cDecember 26: The love story of Jo and Bela. This may be in as many or as few words as you wish. Feel free to include Charlie, Meg, Ruby, Anna, Ava, and/or any Princess Winchesters in the telling of the love story. for
oddishlyDecember 27:
Some of the cool things you got for Christmas or you could talk about me hahahahahahahaha for
calmingcupofteaDecember 28:
The Mummy for
shifty-gardenerDecember 29:
December 30: My favorite time of year and what I like to do in it for
calmingcupofteaDecember 31:
Also, I cannot wait for the
insmallpackages wishlist post of joy!